Chapter 11

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Hope was shattered in an instant, hope was something you find the will to live for but with so little hope how could she even understand living. Her life was a mess and her body felt shattered to the core and as for her heart, she felt utterly deceived by the people around her by the people who were meant to care about her. Every day she woke up and did the same mundane thing out of love because in all honesty that was the only thing keeping her alive, keeping her sane. She loved Lucas and she would forever love Lucas to the moon and back, more than the entire world. She questioned herself about how she could love Lucas when he hurts her, when he takes advantage of her and how he...she couldn't say the word because it felt so real all of a sudden. Why didnt she just leave him? She thought about it over and over again but she couldn't because of the all-consuming love she felt for him, he made her say it time and time again and the more she said it the more she realised that she did love Lucas and the more she realised her heart belonged with him even though the feelings of feeling trapped, hurt and deceived circulated her mind more than that. The thing about being herself though meant she was ever so good at putting on a front, putting on this magical forcefield which then would result in everyone being assured that she was ok even though every day inside she wanted to cry, so much.

"Are you going into work today?" he peers up from his phone, she nods in response with a wide smile on her face "I'll pop by for lunch yeah?"

"That's fine I'm sure I'll be able to make time with you" she winks, he smirks going to wrap his arms around her body, she places a hand on his chest "What can I do for you then Mister?"

"Do you reckon we made a baby last week?" he questions, Carla just smiles even though she was internally hoping that they didnt and two weeks on she hoped and prayed that she wouldn't be

"We'll find out soon enough I guess"

"You will let me know if you get any weird symptoms right?"

"I promise" she links her fingers through his hand "And I just wanted to apologise for everything which happened a couple of weeks back, I was in the wrong and you were right this is what's best for us"

"It's ok, I knew you would come around in the end" he smiles kissing her on the forehead, she grins up at him even though inside she knew she still didnt want this

"Hmm anyway I should get off to work, I'll see you at lunch yeah?" she questions, Lucas just smiles and pecks her one last time on the lips "I love you"

"I love you too" he smiles watching her leave

Carla went to work and Aidan didnt turn up which was very unlike him leaving her to think that something was obviously up. She rang Johnny and Kate to see if they had heard anything but they hadn't so Carla asked Johnny to look for him as to be quite honest she couldnt be doing with his disappearing act. The factory lot were asking where he was and Carla didnt know leaving her to sigh and walk back into the office until her phone went off seeing Johnny's name displayed she answered it and immediately all the life was sucked out of her and she blindly made her way to her brother's flat and entered hearing the hoarse cries of Johnny, this was her reality, another dreaded thing in her reality.

"Come away" she whispers as Johnny just cries into her chest, Carla gulps slightly before grabbing her phone and ringing the police, on the other hand, Johnny was rummaging through the boxes and pulled out a letter addressed to Carla, he just tears it open ignoring the fact that it was Carla's letter

"That's the police Johnny," she says gently as she goes to open the door to let them in "Through there" she states gesturing to the bathroom, she goes and places her hands on Johnny's shoulders but he shrugs her off before thrusting the letter towards her, she frowns and takes it, her worst nightmare coming to light just like that

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