Chapter 10

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Wistful moments as well as peaceful moments giving her time to think we're hard to come by. She was staring at the steam radiating from the kettle and somehow it was more interesting or tolerable to do that then allow conversation with Lucas. Soon enough she was brought out of her thoughts by the feel of Lucas' arms wrapped around her body, she smiles slightly and pours herself a coffee and watches him reach into the medicine cabinet and pull out the vitamins and pregnancy supplements and pouring the right amount out, he offers them to her and watches her down them all knowing that if she faked it like she did yesterday then she would never hear the end of it.

"Oh..." he trails off, Carla frowns "You know that supplier in France that I have?"

"Ugh that one with that annoying woman you know the one who grates on me?"

"That's the one" he nods Carla pulls a face causing him to chuckle "She wants me to go out there and look at these new fabrics"

"And she couldn't send these over to you because...?"

"Well, I was thinking if I made the effort then I could maybe pinch some ideas maybe some new client's?"

"Hmm I like your thinking," she says Lucas grins and kisses her on the forehead "So what do you need me to do?"

"Stay here and monitor my calls?"

"Oh right" she nods slowly, Lucas grins and kisses her one more time, he glances to the phone and opens an app

"Ah, second thoughts I might not be able to..."


"That week is your fertile wing and your ovulation..."

"W-What?" she questions glancing to the app on his phone now knowing why he was obsessed with asking her if her period started "Oh you're actually tracking my period..." she trails off as the thought sends involuntary shivers down her spine

"Oi this is a good thing" he reminds her but she just internally seethes but paints on a smile anyway "I might ask to postpone a week, say that I'm tied up or something"

"Yeah" she responds blankly before looking down into her mug, Lucas frowns at her demeanour

"What's up?" he asks she just looks up and frowns as if to say nothing was bothering her hoping it would be enough

"Nothing I just have a headache"

"You're lying just tell me the truth" he states, she just bites her lip

"I just...I think you should go to this thing," she says cautiously not really knowing how he would take it "I'm just thinking about the long-term, if we have a baby we're going to need a secure environment for it to grow up in and if you go to this thing then you'll contribute to that"

"You could come with me?"

"I'd rather stick pins in my eyes"

"I'll postpone I think it's best I'm here I know you'll have other cycles but because you've been on your pill so long it might not be for a while and it would be a shame to miss this opportunity"

"Yeah I guess so" she nods doing her best to look willing "Anyway I'm going to grab a shower then I'm going to do some work from home"

"Oh babe are you not feeling too good?" he questions bringing her in for a hug, she shakes her head "Dastardly cramps?"

"Hm yeah don't worry about me though I'll just take it easy here"

"Alright call me if you need anything, I love you"

"I love you too" she smiles watching him collect his stuff, he eventually leaves causing Carla to sigh and shake her head to try and get rid of the thoughts, she just hoped that she would never get pregnant but that in itself was looking unlikely...

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