B.S- Zane

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(Next up: B.S Kai)

(3rd P.O.V)

You Look down to see Zane who softly takes your hand in his which makes you blush, you thought kid Zane was the cutest thing in the world but you did wonder how it was possible for a Nindroid to turn into a kid however you didn't say anything about it. "I believe it is my turn to cook dinner yes? Zane asks and you realize what today is and it is his turn to cook "are you sure your able to cook in your condition Zane?" You ask worried, you didn't want Zane to get hurt "Do not worry Y/n I am still fully capable of cooking" Zane says as he starts walking to the kitchen "Still let me help you just in case!" you yell as you run into the kitchen after Zane.


You and Zane started to cook dinner for everyone but Zane had to stand on a chair  so he could reach. "Y/n what is love?" Zane asks making you stop what you where doing "What?" you asks as you feel heat rise to your cheeks "I have been feeling a certain way and when I talked to the others they said it was love"  Zane says making you feel a little shocked and sad because you knew it couldn't be you. "Well love is the feeling you get around someone that makes you feel happy and you want to be around them all the time, you start to love everything they do even if it's the littlest things and you want to always be by their side no matter what" you say softly as to go back to what your doing while not looking up at Zane. "It sounds like your talking form experience Y/n" Zane says making you blush even more than you already where "w-well I...", "your heart rate as increased quite a bit  since we started this conversation Y/n" Zane says looking at you with his child like eyes, sure Zane was in a kids body right now but he was still the same Zane you grown to love over time.

"O-Oh has it?" you ask trying to play dumb but your stutter gave you away, Zane stayed quiet making you think this conversation was over but before you knew it a small child's hand rubs your cheek with their thumb and index finger, "Your cheeks are red" Zane says softly making you blush even more before looking over at Zane. "Zane I-" but before you could finish what you where going to say Zane leans over and kisses your forehead "I love you Y/n"  Zane says while looking into your (e/c)'s. 

"I-I love you too Zane" You admit embarrassed which makes Zane smile and chuckle softly.


Sorry this is short, I really had no ideas for Zane. I seemed to use all my good ideas on Jay lol

483 words

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