B.S. Cole

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(3rd P.O.V.)

(F/F/C = Favorite F. Cake)

You look down beside you only to see the one and only Cole Brookstone, Even though he was a kid he didn't change much other then his height and size, he looked to be like a short big kid. As you look at Cole you begin to notice he was starting to fall asleep while standing up. "You sleepy Cole" you ask making Cole tiredly look up at you with a sleepy smile, "Yeah, I stayed up playing video games with Jay last night and after the mission I'm really sleepy" Cole says yawning while covering his mouth with his hand. You smile and bend down only to pick Cole up into your arms before standing straight up again, Cole blushes at this sudden action before wrapping his arms around your neck and hugging you closer while he bares his face into your hair.

You smile softly as you walk over to the couch and sit down as Cole falls asleep in your embrace. Wanting to let Cole sleep you carefully grab a blanket from the back of the couch and cover bother Cole and yourself as you watch a movie.

After about an hour Cole started to wake up from his stomach grumbling, Cole carefully pushes himself back from your embrace on to see you where sleeping.

(Cole's P.O.V.)

"They must have fallen asleep a little while after I did" I think to myself before softly rubbing y/n's cheek with my now small hand that was still had scarred from previous missions(In my perspective he would have scar's on his hands from working with his weapon) "mmn" y/n groan's softly which make me pull my hand away only to notice their still asleep. Their (h/l) (h/c) sways as y/n moves their head to the left. I stare at Y/n for a while, I couldn't get over the fact of how beautiful they are and how come they didn't have Lover. Their soft (s/c) matched perfectly with their (e/c) which complement each other perfectly, before I knew what was happening I was leaning in closer to y/n while staring at their soft looking lips.

I softly kiss y/n only to feel sparks and butterfly's swell up in my stomach, their lips where so soft and warm, I slowly move back only to be surprised with the sight of a very flushed and embarrassed looking Y/n who was now wide awake. "C-Cole?" y/n says making me realize what I just did and in this kid body as well, "I-I-I'm sorry Y/n!" I say blushing as red as Kai's gi. Y/n says nothing as they softly touch their lips were mine once where.

I was going to say something but a growl from my stomach interrupted me which makes me blush even more then I already was. Y/n chuckles and picks me up and starts to walk out of the bounty "Y-Y/n? Where are we going!?" I yell confused as I wiggle around in their arms "Cake shop" Y/n says with a smile which makes me stop moving around and look at Y/n, happy at the sound of cake.

After a while of Y/n walking to the cake shop Y/n puts me down on the ground. "I could have walked by myself Y/n" I complain while blushing softly, "Well I wanted to soooo to late" Y/n giggles which makes my heart skip a beat. I stare at Y/n for a moment before snapping out of it, "L-Let's just get some cake" I say embarrassed, Y/n Nods and takes my hand into theirs before walking over to the counter to order one devils food cake for me and a (f/f/c) for themselves. I look down at Y/n's hand as they talk to the worker, their hand was so soft but it was also cold, how I wish I was back to normal so I could take their small hands into my big ones and warm them. Y/n lets go of my hand which make me jerk my head up to look at them, they had grabbed both of our pieces of cake and was looking down at me "You okay?" Y/n asks as they noticed my sudden movement. "Y-yeah I'm okay" I say softly before looking over at an empty booth near the windows, "Let's sit over their Y/n" I say looking back at them. Y/n nods and smiles softly at me before we walk over to the booth and sit down across from each other. Y/n hands me my slice of cake along with a fork and happily take them before starting to eat the delicious cake.

(Your P.O.V.)
I watch as Cole starts to dig into the slice of devil food cake with a soft smile on my face. When I first met Cole I wouldn't have guessed a big tough looking guy like himself would be so obsessed with cake. I continue to watch Cole for a few more seconds before I start to eat my own slice of cake as my mind started to drift to what happened earlier. "Cole kissed me, does this means he likes me?" Those thoughts kept repeating in my head until I couldn't take it anymore. "Cole" I say catching his attention, his cheeks were covered in cake frosting which made me lose my serious look and start to chuckle. "What?" Cole says confused at my sudden laugher, "y-your face is covered in cake" I managed to say through my chuckling, Cole blushed bright red and grabs a napkin from the dispenser that was on the table and starts to wipe off all the frosting from his face. After I calm down I look at Cole with a soft smile, I was nervous for his answer to what I about to ask him but I know no matter what Cole will always be close to my heart. "Why did you kiss me earlier Cole?" I say making Cole turn a even brighter shade of red if that was possible, "w-well I....I kinda n-no I really love you" Cole says embarrassed while not looking me in the eyes. "Really?" I say with a smile on my face as my cheeks turn a soft pink, Cole looks up at me and looks me in the eyes "Yes, I love you so much" Cole says confidently as he saw the look on my face. "I love you too Cole, more then you will ever know" I say happily as I lean over the table and softly kiss Cole's cheek.

The end

I hope you enjoyed the babysitter story's as much as I enjoyed writing them and I am sorry if it took a bit for Cole's to be finished, My computer hasn't been working so I had to finish this on my iPad.

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