The Broken smile - Cole part 3

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                               Last time on The Broken Smile
Thank god she/he isn't here, I sigh to myself as the rain falls faster.... "I broke my promise".

Coles p.o.v.

"What's one of the ninja doing in a place like this", I look up only to make eye contact with the person I didn't want to see here "y/n?" I ask making her/him look surprised for some reason "how do you know my name?" Y/n says stepping back. Oh shit I forgot I'm still in my suit "L-Lets just say I herd about you from a friend, so what are you doing out here in the rain?" I ask walking up to her/him " I was here earlier and left my bag" y/n says pointing behind me at the bench where a black backpack covered in fake Dimonds was leaning on the leg of the bench. "If you don't mind me asking, why we're you here earler?" I ask putting my hand to the back of my neck, I know halfway why she/he is here, She/he wanted to tell me something.

Y/n smiled sadly, I hate it when she/he is sad, "I was waiting for someone ... I wanted to tell him I loved him" my eyes went wide y/n loves me? "But he didn't show up"y/n says with her/his head down and I could tell she/he was crying, I was speechless I didn't know what to say in this situation " I bet he would have rejected me anyways besides who can never love someone as broken as me" y/n says lifting her/his head giving me a clear image of her/his teary face "broken" was all I manage to say " my parents have clearly made it sure that they do not love me, everyday I have to fake a smile just to make those around me happier.... it hurts so bad" y/n says falling to her/his knees making me run to her/his side "why, am I just not made to be loved? B/f/n even told me she likes Cole she knows I like him but she/he had to go and fall for him DOES ANYONE CARE HOW IM SUFFERING?!" y/n screams with her/his hand on their head

Your p.o.v.
"I'm sorry", I look up at the ninja only to barely see him crying because his mask was covering his face "I'm so sorry I should have came sooner" the ninja says making my eyes go wide. I dring my hands to his face taking his mask off his face only to see the man I love so much in tears. "No wonder I don't get to see you anymore your always saving the day" I say laughing "I love you" Cole say looking at you with so much love in his eye not to mention he's still crying "are you sure you can love someone with a broken smile?" I say looking Cole in the eyes " it doesn't matter to me if you're broken because I would still love you no matter what so I love that broken smile and just as much" Cole says leaning closer to my face "I love you" Cole said before kissing me so passionately. I could never ask for anything better today has been full of tears, sadness, and most importantly love and it was all because of my broken smile.

                                                   THE END

HAPPY NEW YEAR Sorry it took so long to write this I totally forgot about it.

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