Chapter 15

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~~Izuku's POV~~

Once we got done looking around the house me and Toga stood side by side watching both Ura and Kaachan staring at each other then look around the living room and bicker back and forth and they did that for at least 10 mintues before they went silent.

"Nice house"

"Ok neighborhood"

They then turned to us "we agree on this house" I smiled and jumped up and wrapped my arms around Kaachan "thank you Kaachan" he just looked away while clicking his tongue but I could tell that he was blushing.

~~Next morning~~

I was woken up to a lot of banging so i rolled over and went to cuddle Kaachan but he wasnt there so I sat up and started to rub my eyes while yawning.

"About time you woke up"

I looked at the door and saw Kaachan leaning against the door frame while holding a bag "eat then get dressed we need to start packing". He set the bag down in my lap "it's a avocado breakfast sandwich with some carrots on the side"I smiled brightly at him before quickly tearing into the bag and chowing down.

Once I was done Kaachan handed me a cup and without a second thought I downed it "thirsty much" I wagged my tail as I got out of bed and kissed his cheek before I went to my closet.

"Since we're moving today I'll wearing light and cute"

Once I got dressed I walked out if the room go see Kaachan coming in carrying a bunch of empty boxes "ok now that you finally dressed let's get to work" I smiled and nodded my head.

~~time skip~~

About 2 hours later my hair started to stick to my forehead and kept getting in my way so I would have to stop to get it out of my eyes or something

"Fucking nerd come here"

Kaachan quickly turned me around and took the box I had in my hands out and out it on the floor "close you damn beautiful eyes" with a blush I closed my eyes.

Kaachan quickly turned me around and took the box I had in my hands out and out it on the floor "close you damn beautiful eyes" with a blush I closed my eyes

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"Ok open"

I opened my eyes and looked at him but he just stood there staring at me the picked the box up and left without saying.


Sorry for my recent absences for the past week, something personal happened then everything got busy and hectic but its everything os slowly getting better so thank you for your patience


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