Chapter 8

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~~Bakugo's POV~~

Once Izuku had calmed down I laid us back down and covered us up as I pulled my phone out.


Yo Pikachu

What's up Bakubro

I need you to find information on someone for me

Give me the name

Yo Shindo


My message was left on read which was weird but I didn't want to worry about it right now I need to worry about Izuku.

I put my phone back on the nightstand then turned my attention back to Izuku but when I did I saw him shaking so i pulled him closer to me and started to pet his head which only resulted in him purring -can bunnies even purr- with that finally thought I let the darkness over come my vision.

~~3rd POV~with Denki~~


He called out for his alpha


His eye twitched with the lack of words that came from his alpha "Bakubro just asked me to find information on someone" the omega looked back at his phone before putting it up and went to his computer "let me guess he asked for information on Shindo". The omega jumped with a hand over his heart as he let nm out a surprise squeak"since when did you get in here" his mate chuckled as he went over to his omega "I just got in the room" he started to massage his mates shoulders.

"you remember the childhood friend I told you about"

Denki nodded his head as he went to look for the "Yo Shindo" person "well the little green haired boy that your friend seems to have a liking to his that childhood friend" the omega stopped all movement "your telling me that sweet little bunny was the one tortured by that sadistic bastered" the alpha gulped "yes my love".

He left the loving aura his mate had disappeared and turn into a deadly blood lust aura before he started to go back to his computer but instead of doing through his usual website he goes through he went to the one that will not only give him the information he's looking for but along with who he currently with, his underwear size and all the stuff a sticker will need.

He also grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Mina I need you to make a 3 way call with Kirishima and us"

Without a second thought she did what her friend had asked.

M- Ok Kirishima has been added

D- sorry to have bothered you so late but this is an important matter

They both could hear the clacking of his keyboard

K- it's fine what's up dude

D- ok Shinso has a childhood friend that was, let me put it nicely, that was tortured by a sadistic bastered

M- omg no is the fri-

D- the friend is Izuku

There was nothing but silence from either side of the phone but it soon failed by the sound of grunts and rustling

S- did I just hear that right, the omega that Bakubro is courting was tortured

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