Chapter 18

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~~Izuku's POV~~

After we got out and went to the room to get changed I ran downstairs in excitement to eat the carrot cookies but was stopped by Uraraka and Toga walking in the house and Kaachan wrapping one arm around me and the one throwing a towel over my head to dry my hair.

"Fucking nerd you need dry your shitty flutty hair"

He started to gently but aggressively dry my hair "well seems you 2 got all cleaned up" Kaachan clicked his tongue "just hurry up with putting the food out we're hingry" they laugh as they went to the dining table and laid out all of the food.

"So one of our neighbors came by to drop off a goodie basket"

As I climbed into my seat I started to talk "oh really" "yea it turn out uncle Taishirō and his mate lives in this neighborhood" Uraraka looked at me "you haven't seen him in forever" I smiled and nodded as I started to eat.

"How is he your uncle"

I looked at Kaachan and saw him eating while looking at me "he isn't really my uncle just really good friends with my actual uncle" he didn't say anything just went back to eating.

~~After dinner~~

Once we were done eating Kaachan pulled my out of the chair and made his way back to our room "I'm tired we're going to bed" I wanted to protest but I was actually sleepy myself so I just let it happen.

When we made it to the room he picked me up and tossed me on the bed as he turned to shut and lock the door "we're cuddling" again I was left with no room to protest or complain so I just let it happen.

~~a few hours later~~
~~3rd POV~~

"They have been quite for a while now do you think something is wrong"

Uraraka looked over at Toga who was reading a knife magazine "no they're most likely asleep because of how busy they were today" Uraraka sighed "I'm going to check on them". She got up and made her way to their room "if they're asleep I wonder how they look this time" she smiled as she came up to their door "now to take a peek" she went to open the door but was stopped by it being locked.

"Damn it they locked it"

She stood there a few minutes thinking of what to do till she got an idea "I'll ask Toga" she turned and skipped her way back down stairs "baby do you know how to lock pick" without looking up Toga answered "yes I do but I'm not picking the lock for you".

Uraraka then slumped her shoulders in defeat and say down next to Toga while laying her head down on her shoulder and grabbing the tv remote.

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