The truth

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Seher was asking herself what have changed, is it possible that he really played all the time. She doesn't feel strong enough to play along with Yaman.
She was trying desperately to reach to him, asking him why has he changed because deep down she couldn't believe that all was lie. He promised her that he won't let her alone, that they will hold their hands together forever, that as long as he live no one will make her cry. But now he broke all the promises, he is the one who's making her cry and hurting her the most.

She needed to get out of the mansion so she took her coat and left. Cenger asked her if she needs something, she replayed that she's going for some fresh air and left.

Yaman saw her, got in the car and followed after her without her noticing him.
She came to the little park in front of the water(sahil) and sat down on the bench. Yaman was watching from the car. She started thinking again what could be the reason of his change and behavior, but she couldn't find any answers. Tears were running and for the moment Yaman lost himself, his feelings took over and as he was about to step out of the car, he changed his mind. His anger was controlling him again.
Sehers phone rang and it was Nadire, she felt by her voice that something is wrong and told Seher that she is on her way to the mansion so they can talk.
Seher said that they will meet there and left.

When Seher came home, Nadire was waiting for her. She gave her a kiss and Seher asked her to follow with her upstairs.

Yaman came also home and from
Cenger he found out that Seher and Nadire are upstairs. Cenger sent them coffee and when he got back downstairs again, he told Yaman that they are in the bedroom.

Yaman went upstairs, he hesitated for a moment but then silently went in to the working room. The bedroom door was just a little bit open, so Seher and Nadire couldn't see him from the couch, but he could hear them clearly.

It was Nadire who started the conversation. "Will you tell me now what Is wrong, kizim?"
"I don't know. Everything changed in a second. We were very happy, we even went on honeymoon and everything was perfect. Then suddenly someone came, he disappeared and the next day when we came home everything changed. He got distant, angry, I could feel the old Yaman Kirimli, but I didn't understand why" she whipped her tears, took a deep breath and continued "I tried to talk to him for days but nothing, and when he finally spoke the only thing he said was that all this was a part of a game, he diged a pit and I fell in it. That our marriage will continue in his terms and only for Yusuf".

Yaman was listening carefully to every word she was saying.
He got up, was about to leave, hesitated a bit but he sat down again.

Seher continued "I know we got an agreement and I accepted this marriage because of Yusufs custody, but I wanted this to be real". Hearing this Yaman stopped breathing for a second. It was like pouring a cold shower on him.

"I thought he was feeling the same as me, because of the looks he gave me, how gentle and careful he was with me, and I just can't understand that someone can be such a good actor to make it look like real. He even broke the present I gave him". Yaman got flashbacks of that moment. His face was showing doubt and he started wondering if she really is sincere.

"There is something else" she said. She was quite for a while took a deep breath and continued "before marriage me and Ikbal hanim went for gold shopping, he gave me a limitless credit card, which first, I didn't want to accept. We went to a jewelry and I only took a pair of earrings, it was there I bought him the present, but I payed for it. When we came home I noticed that I've lost the card and he got messages that someone shopped for 300K TL. I was so sad because it was a lot of money, but he didn't seem to care. I said that I would pay back somehow but he insisted that he doesn't care about the money. Same night he came to my room and gave me this (she shows her bracelet), and he talked about the importance of the gifts. It's not the price what matters is whom you get it from".

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