The regret

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On the way to the mountain they didn't talk too much. Yaman was occupied by thinking how is he gonna tell her everything, where he is gonna start. He is not used to talk about his feelings, but he had to do this.
He asked her if she was hungry but she said that she can wait until they come to the house.

2 hours later they was outside the house, the lady that uses to take care of the house opened the door, wished them welcome. She told them that the dinner is ready and she can serve it if they wanted. Seher thanked her and told her that she will take care of that. The lady wished them good night and left.

Seher severed the dinner the lady prepared, stuffed eggplants, Yamans favorite and called him to eat.

They didn't said too much during the dinner and after it she asked Yaman if he wants coffee.
Y: I'll have a coofee so we can talk.

She made 2 coffees and came in the living room. She put the tray on the table and sat down in front of Yaman. She wanted to look him in the eyes when he speaks, she needed to see if there is regret in them.

Yaman took the coffee, drank a bit and was quite.
S: eee ... aren't you gonna talk? Or do I have to ask like in an interrogation?
Y: I don't know where to start.
S: maybe from the beginning. I want to know everything. The reason of your actions, your behavior. Everything.

He took a deep breath and  said:
Y: tamam. While we were about to eat dinner, that night back on the honeymoon, Zuhal came to hotel. She had a file with her and told me that in the file is everything about your true face. Even before we got married she warned me a couple of times about you. That you are after my money. Of course I didn't believe it. Neyse, back to that night, I told her again that I don't believe anything and she could take her file and leave. She left but let the file on the table, I saw a part of a picture and when I took it up and I saw you and that soup man real close to each other. Then I took up the rest, there were more pictures of you two where you stand close, hugging and then I saw some letters. From you and your sister, where it seemed that you were making plans to take everything from us.

S: I can't believe it, where was you logic?

Y: will you please let me finish?

S: Tamam, go on.

Y: so, in the letters there were plans how you will take everything from us and then you'll leave with that guy.

Seher was smiling from anger, Yaman saw that anger in her eyes and he got scared again. She will never gonna forgive him.

Y: when I thought that things can't get any worse, I saw the recorder. You where talking to that man and saying that you love him and you can't wait to be with him. That was what broke me down. I didn't know what to do so I left. I needed to think.
When I came back home I send to investigate the recorder, I was hoping so much that it would turn out fake. But when Nedim told me it's real I lost my whole control. I was disappointed, angry. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid that if I told you, you'll take Yusuf and leave, just as you did. But you were right.
When you gave me back Yusufs shares and the money I send you, I thought you were plying a game. I saw you talking to that man and my suspicions got bigger.
Then, when Yusuf got sick I saw the whole new side of you and I was wondering how someone who could give her life for Yusuf can be so bad person. I start doubting again.
Then, one day I heard your conversation with Nadire hanem when you told her everything. I found the man who said the file was real and he confessed everything. I tried to fix things up and tell you but it was too late, you found out first somehow and you left.
Well you know the rest.

S: I can understand everything. But i can't understand your lack of logic.
Maybe I would reacted the same in the beginning, but at least I would have talked to you. I wouldn't let things go this far.
Then, how could I ever send letters to my sister when we haven't seen or talked to each other for years?

Y: I never thought so far. I was blinded by my anger. Every evidence was against you.

S: evidence? So you believed everything and didn't gave me the chance to defend myself. I trusted you when no one did, I stand by your side in your worst moments, I married you because I thought that you will always have my back. But you turned to be my biggest disappointment. Tamam, I understand you're saying you were blinded by anger, you are regretting now, but it's not enough. No regret can erase the things I went through, your anger, you hard words. You destroyed every good memory we had together, even though our marriage is fake, we have still made memories. But they are gone now. You buried everything good. How can I now pretend like nothing happened? How can you expect from me to go on just like nothing. I'm sorry but I can't.

Y: what does this mean? Are you gonna leave again?

S: I'm not gonna leave again. Yusuf needs you and you need him. If you want us to stay we'll stay. Of course if you can live with someone you hate?

Y: don't say that. Of course I want you to stay. And I don't hate you. I said it in my anger but actually I ...

S: neyse, boşver. It doesn't even matter anymore. We'll continue our marriage and we'll raise Yusuf together. That's all. Don't expect me to forgive you. At least not now. Maybe someday, but not now.

Y: I have no other choice than to accept. You are right with everything you're saying. I'm glad you two are staying, and maybe someday you and I will get over this

S: maybe.

The next day they went for a walk, she cooked, changed his wound and they didn't talk more about last nights conversation. They actually didn't said so much to each other. Seher spend her moments reading a book she brought with her and Yaman fixed some things in the house.

The day after they heft the house and were on the way back to Istanbul. Even though she didn't forgave him, he was happy that she is staying. He will do anything in his power to get her forgiveness.
He didn't want to tell her that he loved her right now because she could miss understand and think that he was playing just to gain her forgiveness. He'll have to wait with his confession until things get calm a bit.

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