The calm before the storm

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The next morning even if they weren't  ready to leave their little paradise, they had to. They put things in the car and drove away with a lot of valuable memories. They didn't talk during the road, Yaman was worried again and Seher was sitting with Yusuf and watching out from the window. They stopped at the same place they ate breakfast and had lunch this time. Seher was the first to talk "I want to thank you for these couple of days, they've been amazing and look at Yusuf how happy he is".
"I also had a great time. It's good that we decided to come" replayed Yaman.
Seher couldn't miss that he is worried so she took a chance and asked:
S: "i will ask you something. Is everything all right? You look worried"
Y: "there is something I need to talk to you about. But not here and now. How about tomorrow we go somewhere we can talk freely"?
S: "Fine with me"
And then she said to herself "he have decided to talk finally".

The rest of the road both Seher and Yusuf slept and when they came home it was already evening.
Cenger met them at the door. "Welcome Yaman bey, Seher hanim. Do you need something, are you hungry"?
"We'll put Yusuf in his bed and take a shower, you can prepare something to eat and leave it in the room" said Yaman.

An hour later they were having their dinner in silence, Seher was thinking what is he gonna tell her and Yaman was thinking how is he gonna tell her.
They finishes their dinner and went to the bedroom, Yaman took sofa and Seher took the bed. They said good night to each other but none of them could sleep until late in the night.

The next morning Yaman woke up early and without making any noise he left Seher a note "I have to stop by the office, I'll pick you up after breakfast". When he was about to leave he met Cenger and told him that he'll talk to Seher about the file today. Zuhal heard the conversation and was ready to take her chance.

After breakfast Seher went upstairs to get ready, when Zuhal came into her room.
"So, I see you left your pride and forgave Yaman so quick. Bravo, unexpected from you"
S: "I don't understand what are you talking about"
Z: "of course, dear. Because he didn't told you"
S: "stop with your ridiculousness" and was about to leave. Zuhal stopped her.
Z: "here you go, read it. It was in front of your eyes all the time and you couldn't see it. Yaman used you, he made up a file against you so he could win Yusufs custody. Poor little girl"
S: "he would never do that"
Z: "here you go. Here is the proof. Read it" she left the file on the bed and got out.

Seher couldn't see from anger. She took the file, her coat and went out. Yaman met her at the door.
Y: "what's wrong? Why are you upset?" He got close to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She moves quickly and said:
S: "don't you dare touch me, talk to me or come after me. How could you do this. I believed you like I never believed anybody, I was ready to leave with you, I married you, and you pay me like this?"
Yaman couldn't understand what she was talking about "calm down and explain to me"
S: "I have nothing to talk to you, you will talk to my lawyer from now on"
Y: "lawyer"
S: "I know everything, I know how you made up a file, tricked me to marry you, treated me like nothing just to win Yusufs custody. But know this Yaman Kirimli, I will never leave Yusuf to you"
She went out, stopped a taxi and drove away. Yaman went after her.
She came to Selim. She was so upset that she didn't saw Ali, Firat and Kiraz. Selim told her "welcome, Seher"
She slapped him without saying a word and put down the file on the table. Yaman was behind her. Firat came to Yaman and asked what is going on, Yaman told him that he'll explain later. Now he had to take care of her.
Selim was surprised and didn't understand
S:"how could you, I counted like a brother, like a friend, like family. And you do this to me. I could have lost Yusuf for you"
S: "Seher, calm down it's not what you think"
Seher: "don't you dare come closer"
Yaman felt helpless, guilty and useless at the moment.
She walked away and Yaman went after her.

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