In good and bad days ❤️

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Seher rushed through the hall to the information desk.
Yaman Kirimli? She asked with her voice shaking.
Second floor, intensive care - said nurse.

She rushed up and when she came to the second floor, she was running through the hall, which for Seher seemed like it would never end. She felt like she was running for hours. Finally she noticed Cenger, Ikbal and Ziya.
Where is he? How is she? She asked
Calm down, Seher hanim. Yaman bey is in intensive care, the situation is stable at the moment but they are keeping him in coma just in case. Cenger tried to calm her down.
What are you saying, Cenger abi? In coma? Allah, please help me. You can't take him. Then she turned to Ziya.
Ziya abi are you ok? Look nothing is gonna happen to him. He is strong and he will fight to come back. Look at me, you look tired please go home get some rest. I am here now. Ziya was I chock and wasn't really paying attention to him, so Seher told Ikbal.
You can take Ziya abi and go home, I am here now.
Ziya and Ikbal left, and a doctor came out of Yamans room. Seher stoped him:
S: Doctor, how is he?
D: I'm sorry, madam. I can't give any information about the patient to others than family.
S: I am his wife. She said
D: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't knew. Please follow me.

After talking with the doctor Seher asked him if she could see Yaman just shortly, he accepted and gave her 5 minutes, then she had to leave the room.
She got some special equipment on her and went inside. Yaman looked like he was sleeping peacefully.

She placed the chair near Yamans bed, sat down, took his hand and told him:
S: Please, open your eyes, wake up, look I'm here with you. We need you to come back, you can't leave us. Come on I know you can hear me. Look, I promise you that we will work things out. You just open your eyes. Please.

She felt his finger moving, looked at him and asked if he was hearing her. No reaction from Yaman.
Nurse came in and told her that she needs to leave the room now. She told her about the finger moving, but the nurse explained her that it could be only a reflex, unfortunately it doesn't mean a lot in these cases.

She came out of room and Cenger was waiting for her. She told him about the reaction and what the nurse told her. Cenger tried to calm her down by telling her that everything will be fine, Yaman is strong and will open his eyes soon.

She didn't want to go home so she asked Neslihan to send her some clean clothes. It's been 3 days since she was back but no reaction from Yaman. She was allowed to see him once a day. She sat near him, talked to him, told him about Yusuf in hope that he will open his eyes. She was determinate to not give up, she felt that Yaman will be back to them, to her.

After she came out doctor wanted to talk to her so she went to his room:
D: Look Seher hanim, Yaman bey has been in this state for few days now. I didn't want to give you false hopes, but it seems that your visits is giving results. We've seen a little progress and we've decided to transfer Yaman bey to an ordinary room and wake him from the medical coma. You can stay with him. Please continue talking to him, telling him about good memories. It will help him a lot.
S: Thank you so much, doctor. I'll do anything in order for him to wake up.

She went out and gave Cenger the good news.
Later that day they transferred Yaman to an ordinary room which was big and spacious so even Seher got a bed.
The same day they stoped the treatment for medical coma and decided to let Yaman wake up by himself. That night Seher couldn't sleep. She sat on the chair next to his bed, holding his hand and talking to him. She fall asleep holding his hand.

It was early in the morning when Yaman gave his first reaction. He opened his eyes slowly, shut them and opened again after few seconds. He felt someone holding his hand and saw someone's hair. He tried to make a move and in that moment Seher woke up, looked at him and almost screamed:
S: YAMAN, you are awake, thank you God for hearing my prayers. Are you ok? Do you feel any pain?

He was in chock. Was she here? Did she just said Yaman? Is he dreaming? Did he died and came to heaven?
S: Do you hear me?
Y: I do.
S: Thank God. She said and rushed to call the doctor.

D: Yaman bey, how are you feeling? Do you have any pains?
Y: I don't know. I feel strange. Tired. But I guess I'm ok.
D: You seem to be fine, Yaman bey. I'll be back again. Get some rest. Said doctor and left.

Y: You are here, I wasn't dreaming. After all I did to you, you are here with me.
S: isn't this what we signed for? In good and bad days?
Y: I need to explain everything to you, even if you won't forgive me you have the right to know. I know it's too late but you need to know.
S: you will explain, I will not let this pass so easily. But not now. Get well first, let's get back home and we'll talk. I'll call Nadire anne to hear how is Yusuf doing.

Seher left the room and Yaman was thinking "did she said Yaman or I dreamed?"

After 2 days in hospital Yaman got tired of being there and asked doctor to let him go home. Doctor accepted but asked him to be very careful. Seher promised to take care of him.

They came home and Seher was taking care of Yaman as she promised the doctor. She helped him up, downstairs, they went for walks in the garden and he was feeling better physically   day after day, but something emotionally he was a mess. He kept thinking about that damn fake file that ruined everything. How could she trust him ever again? Will she forgive him?

Seher came in and asked if he wants coffee.
Y: I do actually, but I'll take it downstairs with my brother. Will you come too?
S: you go ahead, I'll take a quick shower. We need to go for your medical check. Do you want me to help you down?
Y: no, it's ok. I can handle it.

Yaman left the room and Seher went into shower. When she was ready she saw that she forgot her clothes. She put the towel around her body and as she opened the bathroom door she saw Yaman standing right in front of her. Both were surprised, she didn't expect that he would be back so quickly.

Y: Pardon.
S: Mmm... I forgot my clothes.

She took her clothes quickly and got back to bathroom again. Yaman was standing there still surprised by the view he just witnessed.

When they got out of hospital Yaman was the first to speak.
Y: since doctor said I'm fine, I thought that maybe you and I can go to the mountain house for 2 days. We need to talk. What do you say?
S: fine, let's go and clear this up.

When they came home they told Cenger and Ziya that they are going out of city for 2 days. Ziya was happy for them and Cenger wished Yaman good luck.
They decided to leave the same day. Yaman didn't want to loose more time. He needed to talk to Seher.

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