The storm

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She was about to jump in a taxi when Yaman reached her, she screamed at him to leave her alone, but he hold her even closer. He told her: "you're not going anywhere before we talked"
S: "I have nothing to talk to you. Did you take time to talk to me, to explain, to listen. Did you gave me the chance to defend myself. No. You just assumed things and treated me like nothing. Why should I listen to you"?
Y: "because I made a mistake by not talking to you on time. Don't do the same mistake. We can fix this together"
S: "don't you understand? There is no we, there never was"
Y: "don't say like that"
S: "leave me, don't ever touch me again. I'm taking Yusuf and I'm leaving. You can stay with your ego and your money. You lost everyone who cared about you for your selfishness".
She released herself from his hand jumped into a taxi and came home. She got upstairs to Yusuf and told him that they are going for a while in some place together. He was happy because he thought that they are going all together. She explained him that this time it's just the two of them because his uncle had things to do. Yaman was already home and standing at the door looking at them.
Seher took Yusuf and the bag, when she was walking by Yaman she told him "don't you dare to follow or look after us".

Yaman was desperate, he didn't receive any new from them in days. He told to Ziya that Seher and Yaman went to Antep for some days.
He has thrown Zuhal outside the mansion, and told Ikbal that the only reason she is still there it's his brother. She has tried to defend herself but it was in vain, Yaman told her that he won't believe her lies again, that he finally saw her true face. He took all the shares from them, and left Zuhal without money, car or home.

He called Seher few times but her phone was off. She have changed the number and together with Yusuf was staying in the little village house they went with Yaman.
She talked sometimes with Neslihan, but she never told where she was. Once when Neslihan saw Yaman desperate, she told him: "don't worry Yaman bey. They are fine. She calls me sometimes". He took a deep breath in sign of relief.

Days was passing by and Yaman didn't know what to do, he went to Arif baba and told him everything, and Arif baba told him "give her time. She needs to process everything. She needs to go through the pain. We all react different. You chose not to talk she chose not to listen. But when she is a bit calmer she will come back. Seher has a heart of gold, she will understand".

It's been a week since she left but for Yaman it felt like a decade. One night when he was coming home from the office, someone attack his car and Yaman received a bullet. When Neslihan heard about the attack, she called Seher and told her: "Seher, I need to tell you something, but promise you'll stay calm"
S: "Neslihan don't scare me, talk"
N: "Yaman bey ..."
S: "what happened to him"?
N: " he was attacked, he is in the hospital and the state is critical. Maybe you should come back before it's too late"
Seher was in shock, Yusuf asked what's wrong and she told him that they are going back but he needs to stay with Nadire for few days.
She called Cenger and asked him to send a car for her as soon as possible.

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