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Nadire told Seher "give him time, there is something and he is probably thinking how to tell you". Seher wasn't really sure but she said that she will wait until Yaman decides to talk.

Back in the mansion Yaman was waiting for Nedim and was really nervous. Zuhal and Ikbal noticed that and asked if something is wrong. He answered shortly "it's a job related issue" and went upstairs. Shortly Nedim was in the mansion and on the way up to Yaman. Ikbal tried to make Nedim talk but he said that he is in hurry and Yaman was waiting. Zuhal and Ikbal went after him.

When Nedim came in, Yaman was walking in circles very nervous. "Who the hell you send the file to" he yelled at Nedim. He had never seen Yaman in that state and tried to calm him down so he can understand. Yaman continued "the whole file is fake, it's a big lie and a set up, and I walked into the trap. I was torturing the poor girl for weeks and she didn't even knew why". Zuhal and Ikbal was listening behind the door and got pale of what they heard.
Yaman told Nedim everything and asked him to be discreet. He told Nedim "no one will know about this, especially not her, not until I find a solution. Because if she finds out she'll take Yusuf and leave"

Zuhal asked "sister, what we are going to do? Yaman knows that the file is fake".
"I don't know,Zuhal. Let me think. Let's go to your room".

Seher met Nedim at the door, kindly said hello and went up with Yusuf. It was already evening and Yusuf was tired, so he was going to prepare him for bed. When she was putting pajamas on him Yaman came in and asked if they had fun. Seher didn't answer but Yusuf said it was nice to see Nadire Anne and even uncle Firat who told him a couple of police stories. Then Yusuf asked "can I sleep with you too tonight"? Seher was ready to say no, but Yaman was faster and said "of course you can, let's go". Seher was surprised but she thought he will do the same as last time, when Yusuf is asleep he will leave the room.

The three of them went into the bedroom. Seher and Yusuf was already in bed when Yaman came. Seher was really surprised when he left the light on, because she is scared of dark, and got into bed with them. But she thought he will leave as soon Yusuf falls asleep.

Yusuf woke up in the middle of the night and didn't want to wake up Seher or Yaman, so he got out carefully and went to Adalet. Yaman was having a nightmare, where Seher and Yusuf was leaving. He woke up all covered in sweat and he noticed Sehers head on his chest. He got lost and forgot that Yusuf was sleeping with them and that he wasn't there. He took a deep breath, sign of relief, smelled Sehers hair and closed his eyes again. She was here, with him.

In the morning Seher was the first to open her eyes, Yaman was sleeping peacefully with her in his arms. At first she wasn't aware that her head was on his chest and that his arms were around her. She noticed when she was about to get out of bed. She couldn't really relief herself from his arms. In the attempt Yaman woke up, looked into her eyes and said "good morning" without letting her go. He was enjoying this moment, maybe it will be their only moment this close to each-other, because he was so scared that his nightmare will come true if she finds out the truth. He need to take care of that as soon as possible. Seher was really surprised and the only thing she could say was "Yusuf". Just then Yaman realized that he isn't in the room. They got out of bed quickly and in the hall they met Cenger. He told them that Yusuf is in the kitchen and having breakfast with Adalet.

Yaman and Seher came to the breakfast holding hands, Seher was still surprised by his change but she promised herself that she will not ask until he decides to talk.
They said good morning to everybody and took their place on the table.

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