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They were in the middle of their breakfast when Yusuf asked "uncle, you promised that you me and aunt would go on vacation together. Can we go any time soon"? Yaman answered "of course" then looked at Seher and asked her "when it's appropriate for you"? She looked surprised at him and answered "actually when it's appropriate for you. It's you who have work to do". Yaman replayed "then, get ready. We're leaving in the morning" and left to take care of reservation.

Seher and Yusuf was in his room playing and Yusuf asked "aunt can't we start pacing, we're leaving tomorrow". "We will soon, I need to ask your uncle where are we going. Wait for me I'll be back soon" said Seher and left.
She came to Yaman, he was on the phone but he gave her sign to come in, then said to Nedim that he will call back. Then he asked Seher "did you want something" ?
"Yes, I actually came to ask where are we going so I can pack Yusufs bag according to that"?
Yaman looked at her and answered "it's a surprise, but pack something warm it may blow in evenings. I'll put my staff on the bed then when you are packing yours you can put them in the same bag". Seher was really surprised, no one was around, he was back to the kind Yaman she knew and she didn't know what to think. She promised herself that she won't ask but she could hold herself anymore "I need to ask you something, I promised myself I won't ask until you decide to talk, but I can't wait it's stronger than me. Is everything all right with you? Is there anything you want to tell me"?
He looked at her and thought of how well she knew him, she could read him as an open book. "Nothing special. I had a lot of things to do these past days and I guess I am tired. This vacation will do me well, I guess" replayed Yaman. She nodded and went back to Yusuf. When she finished licking his bag, she went back to her room. Yaman wasn't there but he had left his stuff ready on the bed. She took out her bag and start packing. Yaman came in shorty after her and was watching her from the door. She didn't noticed him first and got scared when she turned around and he stood on the door. He told her "it wasn't my attention to scare you", "it's ok"
She said. "Everything is ready" she added. "Good, we'll be leaving in the morning, we'll eat breakfast somewhere along the road" he replayed.

Seher went to the kitchen because Yusuf wanted her to bake some vanilimon cookies so they can take on the vacation.
Yaman came to the kitchen and asked Neslihan for a coffee. He sat in the kitchen and was looking Seher and Yusuf bake. Yusuf asked "uncle will you join us"? "I can't bake and I don't want to destroy your aunts cookies, she bakes them so good" he replies "but I'll have my coffee here and I'll watch you" he added.

After they were ready in the kitchen, Seher helped Yusuf to take a shower, put pajamas on him and put him into bed. She kissed him goodnight and left.

When she came in her room, Yaman was already there and he had already made sofa ready for him. He told Seher "you are talking the bed, I'll sleep here". She didn't wanted to argue so she agreed. She put her pajamas on, wished Yaman good night and went to bed. Yaman was still awake and thinking "we'll be alone for couple of days, maybe I should tell her about the file". He fall asleep while thinking that the next day they are going on their first family vacation.

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