I forgive you ❤️🏹

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Seher walked in circles in the backyard and Yamans words were still sounding in her ears "I fell in love with you like crazy", "I love you Seher Kirimli". She knew it was true because she has heard him talk to Cenger before he confessed to her.
What should she do now? Should she tell him that she have forgiven him? Is this marriage going to be real?
She had so many questions in her head, she was confused and her feelings took over so Seher couldn't think clear. She needed time to reflect.

Yaman was still in his working room, he thought about their talk, and even if she haven't told him yet, he knew it that she loves him just like he loves her. He just felt it.
He felt her heartbeats when he trapped her at the door. He was forced to let her go otherwise he is not sure he could have controlled his feelings at that moment.

Seher didn't dare to come back in, Yusuf was looking after her and finally found her in the backyard

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Seher didn't dare to come back in, Yusuf was looking after her and finally found her in the backyard.
Yu: "teyze, I was looking for you. Where were you"?
S: "I was here teyzecim. I was getting some fresh air".
Yu: "where is my uncle, maybe all the three of us can play together"?
S: "he's probably in his room working. Let's not disturb him. I'll play with you. What do you want to do"?
Yu: "ama teyze, amca doesn't get disturbed by us. Please let's call him too. He promised me to finish the new puzzle together".
S: "tamam, let's go"

She walked in with Yusuf and knocked at the door, when she opened Yaman was sitting in the sofa.
S: "Yusuf want us to help him with the new puzzle. You have promised"
Y: "I have. I'm coming"

They were in Yusufs room trying to put the puzzle together. Yaman was too busy watching Seher, and she was too busy getting blushed and thinking about their conversation.
Yu: "ama amca, teyze, you are not helping me"
S+Ya: "pardon"
S: "tamam let's see what are we looking for"?
Yu: "amca, why are you looking at teyze like that? You are not helping me here".
Seher was feeling a bit uncomfortable, and Yaman noticed it. So he was going to play a little bit.
Ya: "so tell me ateş parçası, if there is something you really love in front of you what do you do? Let's say you have worlds best view in front of you"
Yu: "if it's a cookie or cake I would eat it. If it's a view I would look at it I guess"
Ya: "well teyzen is my view, that's why I was looking"

Sehers cheeks was all red and she tried to get up, but Yaman put his hand on her knee "gitme" and she felt like she wasn't able to move anymore.
She was thinking "I started this game, and I need to finish it, it won't work this way. I need to talk to him and clarify this"
"Tamam, gitmem. Let's finish the puzzle before dinner is ready" she said.

They finished the puzzle and Cenger informed that the diner was served. They went downstairs all of three.

During the dinner everyone was pretty quite. Yaman wanted a coffee after food, Ziya and Ikbal went upstairs and Yusuf went with Neslihan because he was tired. To make Yaman company even Seher took a coffee. She brewed 2 cups and they sat on the sofa In the living room.

S: "today you talked and I listened. Now it's your turn to listen. And don't forget that you said you'll respect any decision I'll take"
Yaman felt some cold sweats, swallowed and said "I did, and I am behind my promise". The fear in his eyes didn't went unnoticed from Seher. He thought that he was loosing her forever.
S: "it's late now. Let's finish our coffees and we'll talk tomorrow"

They went in the bedroom, Seher prepared sofa for Yaman and she went to bed. None of them could sleep even they pretended to.
When he thought Seher was sleeping he got up, took a cardigan and went out to the balcony. He stood there and notice North Star ⭐️ "I'll hope you'll guide us to a life together" he said.
He heard something behind and when he turned it was Seher standing at the door "you can't sleep, right" she said.
Y: "I can't. What about you"?
S: "well, same here. I saw you standing here so I thought you wanted some company"
Yaman smiled and nodded. They stood for few moments without saying any word, looking the North Star and then Seher said "I trusted you a lot from the very beginning, and you know why? Because I saw that you are ready to give your life for Yusuf. And not only for him. You risked your life several times for me too, you didn't had to, I was nothing to you, but you still did it. I was scared of you in the beginning that's true, but then I saw something in you, in your actions. You was like a child who needed love and affection, hurt inside. But, from the outside, anybody who saw you could see a strong man, fighting for his family's wellbeing"
She turned to look at him, and he was listening carefully, so Seher continued "its true you did things in the moment of anger, you sent me to jail and then you tried to fix things out thinking that I would never find out. But then, you took a bullet for me, you searched for me like crazy and you saved me once again, and you never told me that it was you. You asked me to marry you and I accepted, because I trusted you. I told you before if someone else would've asked me that I would never accept. We got married and everything was fine, and then, you changed from one day to another. You became again the man I was afraid of. There was a reason, you found out and then changed again, and once again tried to fix things without me knowing anything"
She took a deep breath, turned towards Yaman, looked him in the eyes and continued "you see, your biggest problem isn't trust, it's communication. Because deep inside, you believed I wouldn't do such thing and continued to investigate, but yet you choose not to talk to me. Just think how everything would have much more easier if we could talk, if you could communicate. We would have never come to this point"

Yaman was standing there listening, every word she said was like a knife to his heart. She was so right, and he was realizing it just now. How easy would everything be if he could ask her in the beginning?

"You are right" he said "but that's the way I was used to. I was used to tell people what to do and not to give them explanations".

S: "i know. But you changed a lot"
Y: "you changed me"
S: "I don't want you to get back to those dark days, I want you to be good and I want you to be happy with us"

Yaman looked surprised at her, what does this mean now?
Seher noticed his surprised face, came closer to him, took his hand and told him "I forgive you. Actually it's been a while since I forgave you. I am telling you this now because once again I trust your love, I trust you and I believe in us. I am ready to walk this path with you"

Yamans eyes was covered by tears, he couldn't pronounce a single word. He pulled her closer and hugged her, the only thing he could pronounce in her ear was "I love you so much"

 He pulled her closer and hugged her, the only thing he could pronounce in her ear was "I love you so much"

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