First Day! ~Chapter 8~

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Okay, so i switched up a few things, so, imma change Class 1-A's homeroom teacher since i feel like Shinso would be caught up in interrogations and stuff.

Eri and Kota waited patiently, both of them decently calm seeing that they knew most of the staff at U.A. They talked for a while, taking a few glances at the other students. Most of them looked a bit powerful, some looking pretty simple. A few girls caught Eri's eye. "They look pretty nice.." She thought internally, tapping her finger on her lip. It was a small thing she did while she was in focus other than unknowingly touch her horn, which got a bit bigger over the years. 

Kota noticed a few guys who looked interesting, to say the least, one of them even had demon eyes which was cool. He didn't exactly care for much, though, since Kota believed everyone besides Eri would be competition, though he knew he'd have to make some allies. 

Most all of the seats were filled by now, meaning that the whole class was finally present. It definitely seemed less chaotic than the former Class 1-A, which was kinda sad, but also good in some way. Soon enough, their homeroom teacher appeared, strutting through the door proudly. 

"Ah, hello, everyone! Welcome to your new life here at U.A!" A warm voice greeted, smiling brightly at all the new students. Eri and Kota looked up, smiling widely at the familiar face. 

"WOAH! IT'S RED RIOT!!" A few of the students called out, recognizing the pro hero. Kirishima just grinned a toothy smile, raising his fist while activating his quirk, earning a few more squeals and sounds of happiness. 

"Alright, enough now! As you know, I'm one of the more laid-back heroes but..." He slammed his fist on the desk which was still surprisingly intact. 

"I won't go easy on you." He declared, a challenging look in his crimson eyes. A few of the students shuddered from the change of his aura until he leaped up happy again. 

"Now! Change into the gym uniforms so we can head out to get a quirk assessment!" He said happily, holding up a few costumes. Everyone got up and got their uniforms, then heading to the locker rooms to change. Eri and Kota were the last to receive their's, both of them earning a big grin from their friend. 

"Good luck, you two." The pro hero smiled, gesturing for them to head out. The two teenagers nodded, then went their separate ways. 

By the time Eri made it to the locker rooms, she was met by the sounds of her new classmates conversating, most likely getting to know each other. Her anti-social ness kicked in, a nervous feeling burning up in her stomach. Shaking it off, she entered the locker rooms, ready for anything. 

"Oh, hey, Eri!" Himari called out from a locker once noticing the new girl in the room while holding her school uniform jacket. A few of the girls stopped their conversations to face the bluenette. 

"Oh, uh, hey!" She greeted shyly, a piece of her hair flying in front of her face. 

"Oh, hi there! You're Eri?" A student asked, walking up to the new girl. Eri nodded, asking for the girl's name.

"I'm Pheobe Mizurika! But, please call me Mizu, or Rika, it's shorter." A ginger-haired female greeted politely. 'She seems nice." Eri thought, tilting her head to the side in interest. 

"I'm Niko Akiyama! Pleased to meetcha!" Another girl exclaimed out after fully putting on her uniform. 

"I'm Mira Anika!!" A girl with very pretty pink hair grinned, doing the same thing as Akiyama. 

"My name's Evanora Hiriko, lovely to be in your acquaintance." A girl with striking orange eyes stated very formally. 

"I'm Amaya Fukushima..." A girl mumbled from the back, though loud enough for Eri to be able to hear it.  

"And I-i'm Usagi T-tsukiku.." Another girl uttered, a very timid vibe coming from her. 

"Uh, it's nice to meet all of you! Uhm, I'm Eri. Eri Yamada." Eri introduced herself, bowing slightly in front of everyone.

"Oh god, this is kinda embarrassing! Hopefully, I'm not too awkward..." She yelled internally, her face flushing in awkwardness. The girls all nodded, then went back to change into their costumes. Once done, the group of girls all left the lockers to get to the field outside. Only a few guys were there, Kota being included. Eri quickly rushed up to him, not wanting to socialize anymore. 

"Hey, Eri." He spoke casually. Eri was definitely much calmer by now, much happier with someone she knew well. 

"Hey, Kota." She smiled, rubbing her shoulder. The two talked to each other, both curious about how Kirishima would teach them. They knew the man was, in his words, very manly, and he was also a really cool person in general. But, with that being combined with his challenging and rough persona, who knows what's to come? 

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" The red hero called out, clasping his hands together. 

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