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Todorokis POV

'Ughhh my head' you thought as you went to rub your forehead but you were being stopped by thick rope that tide you snuggly to the chair. You started to thrash about grunting as you tried to escape.
"Ah ah ah. Where do you think your going?" A raspy voice spoke from behind you.
"Where am I?" You question trying to sound calm
"Hahahah now what's the fun in telling you that?" His shrill laugh rung through your ears.
"Let me go." You demanded
"I cannot do that, sorry." He said, you could tell he was smiling.
"I said let me go!" You yelled trying to activate your quirk. Nothing. Nothing happened.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HOW PATHETIC!" He burst out laughing.
"Why can't I use my quirk?" You asked angered
"Oh remember that thing we shot into you? That was a semi short term lasting quirk tranquilizer. Isn't that neat??" He smiled.
"Not in particular." You said
"Anywho. How's your dad doing these days? Still number 2? Heh" he chuckled. You cracked
"SHUT UP" you thrashed with rage trying to turn this cased you to crash to the floor.
"Hahahahahahaha" the man slowly started to walk towards you picking you up by the hair
"Can you be fucking quiet?" He grinned his eyes piercing into your soul.
"Shigiraki." You mumbled
"In the flesh" he smiled dropping you back on your face
"Anyways we didn't kidnap you for no reason. We need your strength Todoroki." Shigiraki spoke
"I would never help you." You said aggressively.
"Oh really? So you're just going to follow in your fathers foot steps? You're just going to be abused by your mom? Or will you show them how much greater and more powerful you are! You will strike fear in anyones eyes who ever tried to defy you!!" He said.
You stayed silent.
"No, no I'm become I a hero for myself not my dad..." you stuttered
"You sure?" He questioned
"Yes of course." You said knowing that he was right.
"I'll let you sit with that thought for a while." Shigaraki said leaving the room

Your POV

It's been a couple of weeks since todorokis gone missing. And our summer camp starts today.
"Are y'all excited?!" Kiri exclaimed. You didnt respond as you zoned out and stared out the window. Katsuki and Kiri looked at eachother concerned.
"Y/n?" Katsuki said waving is hand in front of your face.
"H-Huh??! You said snapping out of it.
"You ok?" They both questioned
"Yeah of course!" You said smiling
"so what'd you ask?" You asked
"I was just wondering if you were excited for the summer camp..." Kiri said
"Oh I'm so stocked!" You exclaimed
"Haha same!" Kiri said
"What about you Katsuki?" You asked
"Ugh this is gonna be such a drag. I'm way to good for this summer camp." He said his ego showing way to much
"Pfft Whatever you dork" you said flicking his forehead
"OW! I AM NOT A DORK-" he got cut off
"Alright class! Listen up! We're here." You all filed out of the bus arriving in a forest.
"We're not sleeping here are we?" Half the students wondered concerned.
"No, but you will have to make it up to the base before 12 if you want lunch." He said
"WHAT?!" The class exclaimed.

~a couple hours later~

You Katsuki and Kiri finally made it to the base right in time.
"Chow down time!" You all exclaimed in unison as you stuffed your mouths with food. A will went by, with the first two days of hard work, the sana and sleep. On the second night you couldn't sleep, so without a peep you snuck out to go for a night walk.
'Ugh when are the others gonna be here." You thought about the league of villains


"All I'm going to tell you that we have a secret weapon. We will be infiltrating the training camp any day that's convenient. All you have to do is wait." Shigaraki said
"Uh but what's the point of this mission?" You questioned
"That doesn't matter. Just wait. Once we start to leave we're going to "capture" you and you have to act like a hero and fight back" he demanded
"Understood" you said saluting. Shigaraki just rolled his eyes and scratched his neck as you walk out the door.


As you were walking admiring the forest and the nice smell of nature. Soon you stumbled upon the boy with green hair 'what's his name...I think I heard Katsuki call him deku.'
"Hey Deku whatcha doin out here all alone?" You asked
"Ah! Oh Y/n... I just couldn't sleep. Why're you out here?" He questioned
"Same same." You said nonchalantly sitting next to him on the log he was sitting on.
"I-is it true that you're a villain?" He said scooting away from you
"Pfffffftttt what??? Me?? When pigs fligh! I want to bring all villains to justice!" You acted
"Same! They're awful. What they do to others! It's like they have not emotion" you could see his face relaxed
'You'll regret saying that.' You thought to yourself.


"Anyways Y/n. I'll walk you back. I'm so glad you aren't a villain. I'll clear everything up with the others." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck.
"Thanks Deku." You said masking your crazed smile with a sweet one. You love the feeling of manipulating someone's view on you. So stupid. So venerable. You can bend anyone's mind.
"Well goodnight Deku. Sleep well" you kissed him on the cheek. He blushed
"G-goodnight Y/n" he stuttered out before running away.


HeyY here's the chapterrrr
Have a good day, night, morning, or anything in between!
-your author badtz

Simply Citrus {Shōto Todoroki x Villain reader}Where stories live. Discover now