Melting the ice

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You woke up to the same ceiling in the same bed but this time different clothes, so you wouldn't scratch yourself. The door slid open to welcome a boy with half and half hair, todoroki!
"Todo!! Hi!" You said enthusiasticly
"Hello Y/n, how are you feeling?" He asked setting down some apple slices he made for you.
"Pretty good!" You lied, "how are you?" You asked
" I'm fine." He replied.
" well that's good to hear! Hey todo, what day is it?" You questioned.
"Monday, 16:47" he said looking at his phone.
"WHAT?!?! I WAS OUT FOR 3 DAYS???" You exclaimed
"Yeah, I hadn't seen you in a while and missed my lunch buddy so I figured I should come visit." He said, his face turning a light pink and scratching the back of his neck embarrassed.
"Awe! I missed you too todo, glad you came to visit! Oh by the way.. do you know if Kiri and Katsuki have visited me?" You asked getting sad.
"Of course they have. They're your best friends!"
He exclaimed, making your eyes widen because you'd never heard him so passionate.
"Well I'm so happy to hear that" you smiled softly.
The door slid open once again, it was the two boys with blonde and red hair.
"KATSUKI AND KIRI!!!" You screamed as you tried to leap out of your bed to hug them.
"N/N!!" They said going to hug you
"I missed you guys so much!!" You said.
"We missed you too n/n!!!" The exclaimed in unison.
"Well I suppose I'll get going" todoroki said coldly.
"Huh? Why??" You asked confused.
"You seem to be having fun with them so I'm going to get going. Bye Y/n, I'll see you at school Thursday." He replied smooth yet you could tell he was a little hurt.
"Okay... can I have a lil hug though?" You asked
"S-sure..." he said blushing going to your side and leaning down to give you hug. As he hugged you, you whispered in his ear
"I'm sorry, come see me tomorrow before school so we can hang out and talk, okay?" You whispered kissing his cheek. He slowly straighter back up nodding and blushing like crazy.
"B-bye" he said zooming out of the room.
As he left Kiri, Katsuki and you talked for hours till visiting hours were over.
"Bye guys! Love ya!" You exclaimed happily
"Bye N/n!!" They replied happy as well.
Soon after the nurse walked in feeding you and putting you to bed. You just simply dazed off thinking about life, until you heard the window open. It was Shigaraki.
"Yo" you said nonchalantly.
"Hello" he replied
"What's up?" You questioned.
"Nothing. Just needed to check up on your state and when you'd be going back to school." He said scratching his neck.
"Oh how sweet of you, well I'm doing fine but they said I'd be going back Thursday." You said nonchalantly
"Well good to hear. Remember when you go back come to the hideout to report." He reminded
"Yessir" you replied uninterested. As soon as you looked over he was gone. Soon after you drifted off to sleep. You were woken up by a soft voice calling your name
"Y/n" todoroki was sitting next to your bed holding a bag of red bean buns. You smiled
"Good morning, how're you?" You asked sleepily
"I'm good, how are you?" He asked back
"I'm great now that I'm hanging with you!" You exclaimed. He chuckled,
"I'm glad" after that we talked till it got light out and he had to leave for school.
"Oh... since you're coming back Thursday I need to tell you something.." he frowned "the class is suspecting you are a traidor.. I've tried to convince them that you aren't. But they're to scared of me to listen. I-I'm sorry Y/n" he said sadly
"Hey hey, it's okay todo, I really appreciate that you'd do that for me! I'll talk to them when I get back, okay?" You said trying to mask you immense joy
*this is getting so fun!!*
"Well I must take my leave, see you Thursday." He said smiling and waving as he left.


Heyyyy!! How are you guys doing? Well hope you're good! Also does it weird you out that I try to respond to every comment? Idk I feel like I make you guys uncomfy, sorry if I do lmao. But have a good day, night, morning or anything in between!
-your author

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