The day

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"Good morning loveee" you said staring into bakugo's crimson eyes. He grinned, his canines becoming exposed "g'morning sweetheart, how'd you sleep my love? Feel nice to be back?" He asked. You smiled reaching up and kissing him "yes, felt amazing. How about you?" You batted your eyes
"Good, thanks babe" He grinned getting up and picking you up with him.
The two of you got in the shower and got ready.
"I have kind of a lot to do today sadly, sweetheart. Will you wait for me till tonight?" He asked
"NOOOOOOO" you frowned gaining a chuckle from the blonde boy.
"I've gotta head out babe, I love you lots and lots" he said hugging you tight and kissing you on the forehead.
"Bye my love" you smiled sending him off for work. He had recently gotten a job to pass time, you told him multiple times he didn't need one but he insisted so you didn't care. You decided today would be a chill day, so you got out some snacks turned on a Disney movie and binged

Todorokis pov

'Today is the day. Bakugo has work, so y/n should be alone, I can just visit today, as to not cause suspicion and problems." You grinned as you walked down the street in your nice outfit. Once you finally get over the massive fence you make it to their window, you pier in to see y/n fast asleep with the little mermaid playing.
You ring the door bell

You wake up to the doorbell ringing, you soon get up after contemplating your life. You open the door to a tall handsome guy with half black half white hair.
"Hello how can I help you?" You asked as he rams into you embracing you in a massive hug. It felt somewhat familiar. You soon pushed him away swiftly
"D-do I know you??" You asked stunned
"You don't remember me y/n...?" "I'm todoroki!" The boy pleaded.
"I cant recall your face in the slightest, but you seem familiar,would you like to come in for a drink or something?" You asked, moving out of the door frame.
"So what brings you here 'todoroki'?" You questioned
"We'll, i came to see you. You see, we used to be very close, im trying to save you from those so called 'hero's' they've been brainwashing you, y/n!!" His speech pace fastened.
"Oh...are you sure you're ok sir..?" You asked, he paused for a moment before his face filled with anger
"Y/N, HOW CANT YOU REMEMBER ME?! WE WERE MADE FOR EACHOTHER!" He yelled, making you jump up and step away from the angry individual.
"Hey hey it's ok, calm down 'todoroki' we can get this figured out. Maybe you're looking for a different y/n? I can help you find them!" You said trying to reason with him
"NO! YOU ARE MY Y/N! h-how could you just forget..?" He said before slumping down in agony. You slowly scooted next to the boy, rubbing his back comfortingly.
"Sh sh sh, it's ok, it's ok." You lulled
'Jingle jingle'
"Oh I suppose my boyfriends here, don't worry he's pretty cool when you get to know him." You stood up to greet him by  the door
"Oh, hey my love" he smiled hugging you
"Hiii, we have a guest." You said pushing away. He looked passed you to see the boy, as his eyes locked onto todoroki you could feel his hands get cold. He stood there baffled as he stared at the half n half boy.
"Babe? You ok? This is todoroki" you said concerned. He stood stiff in his place before turning red as he went up to the boy swiftly
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU BASTERED" he screamed while activating his quirk. Todoroki stood up calmly walking past Katsuki and walking out the door
"Seems I've created some...problems. I'll be seeing you." He said waving while walking away
"YOU BASTERD-" bakugo exclaimed before being cut short by me pulling him into me.
"Sh sh sh, it's ok my love" you said hugging him as he struggled in your grip.
Once he calmed down we sat on the couch as he passed out in your arms, eyes puffy, as you stroked his hair.
"Goodnight my love" you whispered kissing his forehead and drifting to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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