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Todoroki and I walked into the classroom looking horrible, messy hair, under eye bags, etc. The class turned to look at us. Most of them just rolled their eyes and went back to talking, others looked at me suspiciously, but I still had bakugo and Kiri! You smiled as they ran up greeting you and hugging you tightly. It was a normal day, Normal lessons, normal teacher, normal suspicious stares....too normal... but you had just ignored it. The day ended and you walked to the headquarters, thinking, observing the world around you, jumpy at any fast movements. When you had finally arrived you kicked the door
"Yo" you said nonchalantly with your hands in your pockets
"Hello Y/n" Shigaraki said scratching his neck in annoyance.
"So what do you want?" You said walking over to the bar and grabbing a drink.
"The report idiot." He replied
"Oh righttt. Ok so today was pretty normal everyone getting pretty suspicious that I'm an imposter but that's about it." You informed
"Ok that's all?" He asked
"Yup" you rolled your eyes
"Alright you're dismissed" he relinquished you.
"Thanks. Byeeee" you said kissing his cheek as you left.
As you were running out of the hideout giggling you bumped into something and fell back onto the ground.
"Ow. Watch where you're going." You said rudely
"Oh my. I'm sorry y/n!" You looked up and it was the half and half boy
"Oh todo! It's okay! Sorry for bumping into you like that." You said as he offered a hand
"Thanks" you said getting up
"Ugh my head" he whispered under his breath
"Awe todo, was that your first drink?" You frowned now feeling bad that you gave him a almost half a bottle of liquor
"N-no!" He combated blushing a bit
"Hahaha it totally was, wasn't it!" You teased bursting into laughter
"Finnne it was.. but I'm glad I had it with you opposed  to anyone else.." he replied now the pink tint on his checks brightening
"You're so cute" you said pulling him into a hug, he just bent down nusseling his face into the crock of your neck
"Kekeke that tickled" you giggled
"O-oh! I'm sorry y/n!" He jumped back cheeks ablaze
"Haha todo it's all good" you chuckled
"Wanna come over by the way?" You asked
"Yeah that should be alright..." he trails off into thought
"Okie dokie!" You exclaimed grabbing his hand and dragging him away off to your house.

Unknown POV

"Aye, the kid, y/n was just talking to looks real familiar. Interesting.." They smirked

End of POV


Hey hey
What's up ya'll? Hope you're doin ok!
Anyways have a good day night morning or anything in between! <3
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Simply Citrus {Shōto Todoroki x Villain reader}Where stories live. Discover now