So it continues

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"GO" midnight yelled, soon followed by the pitter patter of all the students feet yours included.

Your team went around claiming peoples head bands, we quickly started racking up points. You soon saw out of the corner of your eye as the battle was close to its end, the green haired boys veins produce a red glowing color, this entranced you making you look at who his quirk was projected at. Your eyes widened as you saw beautiful red flames ignite from the half n half boy.
"Gorgeous" you mumbled being mesmerized by the short lasting flames. Todoroki stopped stunned by his own quirk it seemed as though he hadn't even known about it to begin with, and in a blink of an eye his headband was stolen. Perfect timing as well because shortly after team midoriya was crowned the winners. There was a short intermission for the crowd to get snacks and drinks. In this time you mostly talked to Katsuki and kiri about who's going to win
"I'm betting my money on the fire and ice kid...he's endeavors son" someone in the stands snickered
*i wondering where todo is now that I think about it* you pondered, and went on your way to look for him.
As you walked you grew closer and closer to the exit of the stadium, and when you were about to give up you heard a voice squeaky and annoying then todos voice drawing you closer to ease drop on their conversation.
"Are you all nights love child midoriya?" Todo asked seriously, but that's all you could pick up before we had to go back to our positions. You walked over and sat next to todo, and tried to strike up conversation
"So todo who do you think will win??" You questioned happily
"Me. And only me." He bluntly said giving you the cold shoulder
"You good todo?" You asked, getting no response in return.
"O-ok.." you said a little starstruck and sad. The battles started in a flash going as quick as they started you hadn't really been paying attention and half assed all your fights still winning of course. It was finally time for todoroki and the green haired kid, you watched as the fight progressed todo shot out a massive ice Berg that covered the was gorgeous, the pure rage that he showed. But then the boy blew it away with one flick it was annoying that he'd destroy something so amazing. The green head started yelling at todo, you couldn't quite hear what he was say and soon his fire ignited. You eyes lit up, it was amazing. You were mesmerized by the orange flames flowing so gracefully yet powerful and strong. Just like that the fight ended. With the boy being rushed away.


Heyyyy so this is the chapter hope you liked it :>
And hope you have a god day, night, and anything in between.
-your author

Simply Citrus {Shōto Todoroki x Villain reader}Where stories live. Discover now