Uh oh

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He Clinged on to you shacking.
All might lost a lot of steam after your kick so it took him a while to get up
"I'll be back todo" you reassured him kissing his forehead
You launched in all mights directions.
You were furious, the supposed "hero's" are the people hurting the people who need help.
You latched onto almight activating the grenade, you swiftly jumped off of him before they hit the ground; a smile was on your face.
Once you landed all might was gone.
You saw the ground getting close to your face. You laid there for a moment till realizing you didn't know where todoroki was
"n-no I have to get back to Todoroki-" you said reaching out hoping he would be there; you soon blacked out.

Your eyes slowly opened. You looked to your side to see bakugo sitting there.
"Bakugo?" You said weakly. He looked over at you, eyes puffy.
"Y/n. Why did you use your quirk on me?" He asked sternly using your real name
"Uh.. I- I'm sorry katsuki.. I didn't mean to hurt you.." you said reaching your hand out to cuff his cheek, he jerked away. Tears started welling up in his eyes.
"It hurts me that you controlled me."
He said standing up and wiping the tears out of his eyes.
"I'm leaving. I'll talk to you once I've calmed down." He said opening the hospital door.
You started to panic as you realized where you were, you started to scream and struggle against the restraints.
"N/N? YOURE OK HEY HEY HEY YOURE OK" bakugo ran in almost mock spread and was looming over you, stroking your hair and comforting you.
You passed out a while later.

Like routine your eyes opened but this time you saw a red ceiling, you shot up looking around. It was dim and slightly littered with clothes.
You got out of bed going towards the door
"Hello?" You called out. The room seemed familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it.
You opened up the door peering out; it was dark.
You felt your way through the hallway, till you saw a light at the end of the hall. Once you reached it you stretched your head around the corner, you saw blonde fluffy hair and that's when it clicked. You were in bakugos house.
You walked over scooting next to him on the couch, he swing his arm around you.

It had been 2 months since you started living with the bakugo family.

*beep beep beep* the alarm blared, your eyes lazily opened to look at the clock. You rose out of bed turning off the alarm
"Time to get up my love" you said kissing Katsuki on the forehead, he grabbed your chin kissing you on the lips. You pulled away smiling
"So scandalous" you said bating your eyelashes, he chuckled.
The two of you walked to the bathroom and started getting ready for school. It was going to be your first day. You had been going to an exclusive therapy from the...incident. You've been recovering from being kidnapped by the league of villains.
Katsuki and you rushed to school. You were soon standing in front of the intimidating door.
"Hey it's ok I'm here" he said looking at you softly, caressing your hand. Right as you opened the door Katsuki put on his angry expression. Everyone stopped talking to look at you
"Y/N!!!!" Everyone said jumping up and surrounding the two of you.
An array of questions were thrown at you, you started to tremble, grabbing hold of Katsuki.
"OI EVERYONE GET BACK" Katsuki quickly took action fending everyone away from you.
"hello class" Aizawa said walking into the room cutting everyone's chatter
You went through the first half of the day fairly well.
The bell rang commencing lunch.
Katsuki waited for you to pack up and the two of you headed to the cafeteria. After getting your food you were waved down by the kids in your class.
"Hey.." you said
"Hiii! Do you want to sit with us?" Ururaka asked
"Yeah, thanks" you smiled
"Man I can't believe todoroki would do that to you.." someone said
"Who?" You looked over at them
Everyone went silent
"What? You don't remember?"
"Uhhh...i don't know what you're talking about." You said getting nervous. Katsuki soon found you and over heard on the conversation, he ran over grabbing you.
"Katsuki?! What's going on?!! Who's todoroki?!" You asked alarmed
"Nobody!" He yelled back running you up to the roof. Once you were up there he closed the door. You jumped back
"Babe, you heard nothing.." he said stalking towards you slowly
"What're you doing.. you're scaring me" you said as your back hit the roof fence
"I'm sorry y/n" he said as his hands covered your eyes, you passed out.

Bakugos POV

Your hand vailed over their eyes making them fall into you.
After Y/n started therapy you had been developing your new quirk with the pro hero association; it's called memory lose. Basically any persons eyes you cover with your right hand will loose whatever recent/traumatic memory you want them to. The con is that if the person has a very strong mental state they could break into your memories; reversing the quirk on you. This quirk was solely made for you to "treat" Y/n. You laid them down placing their head in your lap; waiting for them to wake up.


To be continued...

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