A long night

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"L/n!" You were abruptly woken up by a nurse.
"Time to get up, you'll be leaving today!" She exclaimed annoying you, you'd never been a morning person and having such a loud and excited nurse wake you up ruined your mood. She unhooked your restraints allowing you to get up and walk around. At first you couldn't even sit up properly, then the nurse helped you up, after around an hour you got feeling back in your legs and you walked without wobbling.
*ugh I hope I get better soon... I really wanna participate in this festival thing!!* you pouted silently.

Slight time skip

"Aye Oliver, come pick me up" you demanded
"Oh boss! Hi, alright I'll be right over where are you at the moment??" He asked excitedly.

Oliver soon pulled up to the hospital getting out of the car to open the door for you
"Thank you thank you" you said
"Ah yes" he replied jokingly, making you snicker
"So how've you been?" You asked looking out the window as the wind blew through your hair.
"I've been okay, living in Japan is no easy fee, I've been going from job to job." He replied
"Oh yes that must be such a bother..how about you work with me more often? I could always use some help with crime and stuff!" You exclaimed excitedly
"That would be a good idea, I will consider it more in depth later and call you." He said as we arrived at my house.
"Would you like to come in for a drink?" You asked. He looked at his watch
"Yeah that's be okay, what drink you thinking keke"  he smiled evilly
"Kekeke who do you think I am" you replied devilishly.
You and Oliver walked into your house heading over to the cupboards. You opened them dramatically to reveal a collage of alcoholic beverages.

3 shots later

"Man bro, being a villain is hard as fuck!" You exclaimed bitting into a lime
"TELL ME ABOUT IT!" He said sharing your frustration

Another 4 shots later

"Y/nnnn" Oliver whined. "I'm so tiereddd"
"Okkkk go to bed then!" You replied "just go up to one of the guest bedrooms here I'll get you a change of clothes" you said going off to look for a pair of soft shorts and a T shirt, after finding the items you went to give them to Oliver who was already passed out on the fluffy bed. *ughhhh now I have to change himmm* you said taking off his pants respectfully, and putting the shorts on him, then same with the shirt, but soon as you started to get up he pulled you in for a hug
"Please.. stay" he whispered
"Nope" you said punching him and left the room.

1 1/2 shots later

"Todorokiiiiii" you whined into your phone
"Huh? Y/n? How'd you get my number??? Are you okay? What's wrong? What's happening?" He Bombarded you with questions.
"Huh? Come over todooo!" You said enthusiastically
"Why? It's 3 in the morning! We have school tomorrow!" He exclaimed with a raspy voice
"Keke sooo??" You replied slyly.
"Uh...fine. But just for a little...where do you live?" He sighed

Todoroki soon was knocking on your door, you went and swung it open

Todorokis POV

The door swung open to reveal a short girl standing there in only a bra and short shorts, I averted my eyes respectfully
"Y-Y/n! What are you doing??" I exclaimed in shock
"Huh it was hotttt" the girl pouted
"Anyways w-what did you need?" I said looking down at the girl my eyes wondering without me even noticing
"Aye eyes up here!" Y/n said slyly grabbing the collar of my shirt.
"Uh...sorry..." I said scratching the back of my neck
"It's okay todo! Anywaysss wanna come in?" She offered.
"O-okay..." I replied walking into the humongous house.
"So y/n where are your parents?" I asked curiously
"Oh I live on my own, I don't know where my parents are." She slurred her words out
"Ah must be hard.." I awkwardly replied
"Don't sweat it! Now let's get some drinks!" She said hyperly
"But that's illegal." I combated
"Uh so?" She grinned at me as she grabbed a bottle of clear liquid and some limes
"Y/n no, how are we supposed to be hero's if we're doing illegal things?!" I retorted
"Uhhh?? What do you mean, it's funnn~ c'mon for me?" She pleaded hugging me
"...fine..." I said blushing
*what am I thinking?! What is this girl doing to me?!* I thought

3 shots later

The clear liquid burned as it hit my throat, it felt like acid running down, but as soon as you bit the lime it all got a little better soothing the burn to be a biter taste, it was...nice..

Lost count of shots

*Hic* *hic* "y/nnnn, we're all out!" I said sadly holding the bottle, then I looked over at y/n and she was passed out on the large white sofa softly snoring
"Hehe so cute" I said blushing. Then before I knew it I was leaning over her and pecked her lips, I soon realized what I'd just done and jumped back in surprise blushing profusely. I softly touched my lips
"I should get outta here."

Time skip

I opened my eyes to see I was still in y/ns house spread out right in frount of the door. The birds were chirping and it looked to be about 6-7 in the morning
*ughhh my head* I thought as I had an awful ache in my head and behind my eyes. *what happens last night and how did I end up here?* a thought once again popped into my head. I then got up to go looking for y/n, she was still on the couch sleeping.
"Y/n, hey y/n." You said lightly shaking her
"hhHuh?!" Y/n exclaimed jumping up.
"We have to get to school..." I said unfazed by her abrupt awakening.


Ayooo!! Sup guys how ya'll doinnn. Anyways this was just a love chapter I suppose to kinda rap up the hospital stay and stuff. So ya hope you liked it!
✨your author✨

Simply Citrus {Shōto Todoroki x Villain reader}Where stories live. Discover now