The big fight

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The sun pierced your eyes are you walked into the stadium, everyone started to cheer. You looked forward to see bakugo crazily smiling at you.
"PFT ME NEITHER" you screamed back
"GO" Present mic shouted.
Katsukis flames ignited from his hands as he shot himself towards you.
*hm which quirk, which quirk... there's to many eyes on me so I should probably use my given..* you pondered.
Soon your eyes met Katsukis, this slightly startled him making him fall back slightly as you grabbed his hand still making direct eye contact. Your hand gently caressed his face
"Walk out of the fighting ground right now." You said seductively
"Yes boss.." he robotically said, as he turned to walk off.
"AYE BAKUGO WHAY'RE YOH DOING?!" Kiri yelled from the stands. Somehow this snapped bakugo out of his trance
"H-Huh?" He stuttered jumping back from the the edge
"HAHAHAHA, YOU SHOULDA SEEN YOUR FACE JUST NOW" you burst out laughing and fell to the ground wheezing
"WHADUAMEAN?!" He exclaimed
"BAHHAHAHAHA" you just continued to laugh. soon you got up and walked off the edge
"I forfeit" you said winking at bakugo
"WHAT?!" He angrily yelled
"Good job katsuki~" you sailing walking back to the stands.
Katsuki and todos fight started not too long after.
It was pretty boring just ice and fire fighting, Bakugo then started to yell at todo
"USE YOUR FIRE!! DONT GO EASY ON ME!!" He exclaimed in raged. Todo did not oblige and ended up being beaten by katsuki. You stood on the podium in the third spot, todo in the second and bakugo in the first. He was thrashing around in a muzzle and straight jacket tied to the post like a cushions dog. You felt really bad for him he seemed somewhat panicked not angry. You climbed up onto his podium and took off his muzzle before the commercials were done for the people watching in their homes
"Hey hey hey it's gonna be alright just stay chill and I'll untie you ok?" You said comforting the boy, he soon calmed down and stopped thrashing as you helped him out if the restraints
"HEY WHATRE YOU DOING?!" One of the teachers yelled up asking
"HE DOESNT DESERVE TO BE TIED UP" you said flipping the teacher off. You didn't know them so it didn't really concern you.
The ceremony started and ended just as quick. The sun started to set as everyone loaded into their corresponding busses to go back to the school.
"Yall wanna come over to my place to celebrate katsukis victory" you smiled at kiri and bakugo
"It wasn't a victory." Bakugo poured
"Well I thought you looked really cool out there when you were fighting, so I'd consider it a victory!" You said ruffling his spiky hair
"But yall down?" You asked again
"Yeah!" Kiri excitedly exclaimed
" and you katsuki?"
"Sure." He said rolling his eyes and slightly blushing.
"Alright!! Perfect see y'all at 8 tonight! Here's my addy." You said handing them a scrap of paper with an address on it . The bus came to a stop and everyone got off.
"Ok see y'all later" you waved as you ran in the direction of your house.


I don't have much to say but hope you have a good day night morning or anything in between!
-your author

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