Chapter 6

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"B-Bakura...?" Marik's heart had stopped. Was the true Bakura he knew at his door? The figure stepped up, a slight smirk ran across his face. "Mhmm. Very observant, Marik. It's been how long? 5 years?" Bakura had a slight tone of sarcasm in his voice. Marik got in his knees and held his hand close, staring blankly at the 3,000 year old spirit.

"Anyways...Happy Birthday. " His hand reached his black trench coat pocket and pulled out a simple Duel Monsters card. He threw the card at Marik. He picked the card up with his non-bloody hand. "Are you Friggin' kidding me...?" His voice stuttered as he looked at the card. It was 'Change of Heart'.

"What? I gave you an important card for your birthday. What else do you expect from me?" Bakura crossed his arms. "What did you do to your hand anyways?"

Marik got to his feet. "After all this come and give me a card..?"


Marik's eyes burned. "What a birthday this is! What? You just come, say hello, throw a card at me, and expect to make up 5 years worth of loneliness? I almost ended my life! Because-!" Marik cut himself off and looked down.

Bakura made a 'hmph' noise. "You should be great full I even came and gave you something. And why were you going to end your life? That's a stupid bloody idea."

Marik started walking to Bakura, full of anger. "Because you were the one that I considered important! Everyone else is just happy, happy, happy! Except. Me. Little Marik Ishtar! The "hap-hap-happiest kid in the whole damn world! Yeah right! Ishizu and Odeon left me! The Pharaoh and Yugi are happy with each other! Joey and Mai are happy with each other! And then there's me!"

"Marik..calm down..." Bakura's back hit against the wall, Marik gripping his shirt and pulled Bakura close. "I'm getting my rightful birthday present..! And it damn better count!" Marik pressed his lips against Bakura's quite fast. Bakura's eyes widened as Marik laid his warm lips on his cold ones. Bakura then wrapped an arm around Marik and closes his eyes. Marik loosened his grip on his shirt and wrapped his arms around Bakura's neck. Deepening the kiss, Marik pushed further to Bakura.

The kiss lasted almost forever, until Marik decided to pull away and looked at the Spirit he held dearly onto. "...Don't leave me Bakura..." Tears streamed down Marik's cheeks. He was crying not only the pain in his hand, but his heart was warming up. "...Don't leave me again..." Marik hugged him tightly. ".....I love you, Bakura..."


Yay. Ze Thiefshipping is here~! More chapters coming soon~! Thank you for the reviews! Keep them coming.


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