Chapter 17

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Marik stared out his window. He wasn't ready to give up who he loved the most. He just got Bakura back, and now he has to say goodbye. That's not his idea of a happy ending. He was trapped underground for ten years, almost vanished into the Shadow Realm by his darker half, and lost Bakura without him knowing before. "Can my life ever be happy...?" He asked himself.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

Marik looked at it and knew who it was. "I don't want to speak.." he said aloud. "Then don't, just listen..?" Bakura's voice went through the door. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know this was supposed to happen. I didn't ask for it, nor do I want it to. You know I love you. And if I do go away, if never forget you. Because even thought you called me a dead memory, your not one to me. Your one I can't simply forget..." His voice trailed off and waited for Marik to answer.

The door opened and there stood Marik holding a pillow close to his chest. "...I don't want you to go..." he whispered. Bakura saw the redness in the others eyes. He grabbed Marik's hand and gripped it tight. "It's not like I have a choice.." Marik looked down and nodded. "Hey..lets go do whatever you want. Together. Until it's time." Marik looked up and shrugged. "I suppose.." Bakura lifted Marik's chin and laid a kiss upon him. Then, looking into the others Eyes. "Please be happy..just for a little bit.." Marik made a small smile and nodded. "Yeah. "


Ok. I'm sorry this is really short, but I'm having SERIOUS Writers block. So bows your chance to help me! If you have any ideas I could do, please, please, PLEASE, leave comments. I'm desperate!! ILYSM!!!


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