Chapter 8

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Marik and Bakura headed out after a delicious breakfast. When they left, Marik dressed in his usual clothing, Bakura also, Marik reached for Bakura's hand. Bakura did refuse, he simply held it tighter. A hint of red appeared on Marik's face.

"We're going to have so much fun today, Bakura!" Marik said happily. "I bet." Bakura replied. "Let's go! I have so much to show you~"

They walked around for a bit, passing stores and restaurants. Marik stopped at a few to look around. They then saw a park and Marik pulled Bakura over to it. "Bloody Hell Marik, slow down!" Bakura said trying to stop the blonde Egyptian.

"Sit." Marik said to him. He pushed Bakura into a swing and he sat next to him on the other. They swung on them and looked up. To Marik's attention, the café he liked to go to was straight ahead. "Is something bothering you?" Bakura asked. Marik shook his head. "Just the café I like to go to."

"Wanna go to it? I could use some tea."

Marik instantly nodded. "Yes!"
Pulling Bakura, they ran to the café and sat where Marik always sat: by the window. "Sit here often?" Bakura asked. "More like all the time, Bakura. I come here a lot when I'm bored. Mostly to calm myself down." Bakura looked at him for a moment then out the window. "No need to be depressed.. I'm here now. Right?" Bakura said. Marik looked at him," I suppose. " they both ordered their beverages Marik coffee and Bakura his tea. They drank it quietly and glanced at each other. "You know..." Marik started, "I'm gonna have to get used that your back. I almost died..of shock.."

Bakura chuckled. "I know. I was there. " Marik gave a small smile. The rest of the day, Marik wished would last forever, and nothing wrong could happen..but he was wrong..

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