Chapter 19

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Marik leaned to Bakura and looked up into the sky. It got slightly cold, but that didn't bother the two teens. Together, with their hands intertwined, kept their eyes closed and enjoyed the area they lingered. Marik only hoped it could last forever.

As for Bakura, deep down, he felt great shame. He just returned only a few days back, and now he has to leave. There was nothing he could do. He truly felt love, and hell, he loved it.

The two stayed quiet for most of the time, before Marik opened his eyes and sat himself up. "Is something wrong?" Bakura looked at him.

Marik sighed. "I'm just in a lot of thought. What will I do when your gone?" Bakura looked at him. He then felt a smile come across his face. He laid a hand on Marik's cheek and put his forehead on his. "Wherever you want to go. Explore things, don't stay indoors. I need you to make me a promise." Bakura looked into his eyes.

Marik looked back, waiting.

"I want you to be happy. No matter what. I want you to explore the world. Go enjoy life. Life is precious, and you must cherish it. Do you promise me?"

Marik nodded. "I promise.." and Marik would do just that. He now had a destiny of his own. He can write his own story.

Suddenly, Marik felt an absence in his hand. He looked down and saw that Bakura's right hand was gone. His eyes widened. "B-Bakura! Your hand!"

Bakura gazed down and his eyes widened. His hand was gone, his arm starting to fade. He looked in Mariks eyes and made a face. "It's time.."

Marik's eyes started to water. "You can't leave now..!" Bakura was slowly fading away. "Do not cry! You hear me! Remember your promise..remember what you said you'd do. You'd be matter what!" Bakura touched his cheek with the remaining hand that he had. "Keep your promise.." His body and his legs were starting to fade.

Marik held in his tears and looked deeply into the dark brown eyes of Bakura. Slowly, Bakura laid his lips upon Marik's, leaving a long passionate kiss. A tear shed down Marik's cheek.

Bakura soon pulled away and saw his left hand gone. His body was completely gone. The only remaining thing was his shoulders and his head. "Remember your promise!" He said. "I love you.. " He said quietly.

And then nothing...

Bakura was gone. Marik wiped his eyes and stood up. He looked up into the sky and held himself tightly. He held back his tears and looked at the brightest star in the sky. "I promise.." he whispered quietly.

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