Chapter 16

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"At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.."

The call Bakura got from the Pharaoh filled Marik's head with questions. What did they talk about? Bakura was upset lately, and Marik wanted to know why.

Marik slowly walked out to the backyard, seeing Bakura sitting on the edge of the porch. He sat next to him and grabbed his hand. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" He asked. Bakura shook his head. "Please, Bakura..." Marik pleaded.

Again no answer.

"Marik, you wouldn't understand.. you'd be pissed. And I mean pissed. And I hate seeing you like that.. so I'm avoiding." Bakura said at last. Marik stood and crossed his arms. "Bakura, I want to know. I command you to tell me. Right now." Bakura turned and didn't look at him. Marik huffed and turned him around. "Spill..or I will get pissed!"

Bakura blinked and pulled him down. "You asked for it..." he started. "I got a call from the Pharaoh.. about us coming back, he said there was a limit to this.. and when I say 'limit' I mean.. a specific time period. I haven't got much time... the Pharaoh and I...we..-" Bakura trailed off. "What? What is it?" Asked Marik.

"We have to go back to where we belong.. We have to be put back in our final resting place.. If we don't, were In trouble.." Marik's eyes widened and stepped back. "I could be going any day now, Marik.. And I-"

"...Your leaving?...after all I've been through, your leaving..?!" Marik turned red. "Marik, I tried asking if there was anyway I could stay, the Pharaoh said I can't-"

"No! I almost killed myself! All because I missed you! I grieved for you! I LOVED you! And now your leaving?! Again?!"

Bakura stood, "Marik..calm down.."
Marik stepped back. "No! I will not calm down! I will not relax! And I will not survive! I've awaited for you, day after day after day! You finally came back to me, and I'd thought you'd be here forever! I thought we'd live happily ever after like everyone else! And as soon as you came, BOOM! Time to leave! Just like that!...." His eyes watered. "I should've known...your just a dead memory..." Marik ran into his room and locked the door. Bakura stood there looking after him. He looked down at the ground, feeling terrible.

Marik laid in his room and buried his face in his pillow, crying. All he asked was for Bakura to return. And he did. But now he's leaving again, just like five years ago. This made him think.. a tragic poem..

He wrote her a song, but it never got finished
They both fell in love but it was soon diminished
She sits on his bed and cries in his lap
He cries back at her, knowing they can't go back.

Hours go by and neither one can accept
That by letting go they are doing what's best
At the end of the day, comes the part which he fears
To let her go without shedding a tear

Never again will he kiss her goodbye
And just that thought makes him start to cry
Now he'll finish that song, and he'll write it today
This is the start and here's what it says

"You are my siren, you drew me in
With a voice like an angel and the softest skin
Your eyes shine like diamonds and your smile melts my heart
I know that nothing could tear us apart"

That's what he wrote and let me just say.
That he'd never do anything to throw that away
But that's not how it works, This worlds bitter and harsh
And then something happened, which drew them apart

An old boyfriend showed up and that's when he knew
That her feelings for him were not shiny and new
This person left her and crushed her heart
But she had loved him since the very start.

When our boy came along she saw a way
To end her pain and make it all go away
But by loving this person through thick and through thin
She looked at our boy and wished it was him

Now this is where the second verse starts
it's about how she seemed to break his heart
He found out her feelings, it went straight to his head
so he carried on writing and here's what he said

You make me smile when no one else can
It just makes me happy to be your man
But it hurts me deeply that you long for his heart
I Thought we would last but this breaks us apart.

He sat in his room and just wished he
Could be just like her ex so that they could be
But as long as he was there they could never be true
So he'd sit in his room feeling sad and blue

Now comes the part where she's crying in his lap
They both just decided to never go back
The pain is immense but it's saving his heart
Because staying with her would rip him apart

Here's where he decides to finish the song
The story of how it all went wrong
He starts the last verse with tears dripping off his nose
The papers all wet but here's how it goes.

You were my siren you drew me in
you taught me to love and you taught me to sin
I never thought you could break my heart
But I guess we were wrong right from the start

You were my siren now I'm dead at sea
you drew me in but you didn't want me
I just wish I knew where it all went wrong
But now another lost sailor can hear your song

And that's how he felt... dragged out to sea...

( I do not own the poem!! I found it online!)

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