Chapter 14

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It's been a week since Marik was attacked by the two thugs. He was fully recovered and was ready to have fun. The day was warm and Marik wanted to do something with Bakura that he's never done. The problem was, Bakura was very stubborn and didn't get excited as much.

Marik thought for a moment. What things is Bakura interested in? He knew Bakura liked knives, death, anything scary or eerie. He then got a Lightbulb.

Bakura was interested in scary stuff. So, Marik decided that he'd take him to see the movie "Ouija". The Movie was about a group of kids who play a board game that the spirits of the dead male out a word for your future. Bakura had a card in his deck that was the same. His card "Destiny Board" that spelled the word "FINAL".

"Hey, Bakura," Marik asked, "Have you ever been to a scary movie premier?" Bakura looked at Marik and shook his head. "The movies never bothered me much.. I never cared for them. But if that's what you want to do, we can. What did you wanna see?" Bakura asked. "There's this movie called 'Ouija'. It's much like your Destiny Board. You know. How it spells the word and all."

Bakura looked at him for a minute then nodded, "That's sounds interesting. I'd like to see how my card came to be." Marik smiled and pulled him into the bedroom. "Get dressed," Marik said, "we leave soon!"

After Getting ready for the night, they both headed out around 7:00 P. M.
They started walking towards the Domino City theatre. Thy secretly held hands in the way there. "Are you excited, Bakura..?" Marik asked quietly.

"Of course I am. It's my first seeing a scary movie in theatre." He smiled and walked. Marik smiled a bit at him as well.

When they arrived, they ordered their tickets, bought snacks, and found their seats. There were still commercials playing and the lights were still on. Marik ate some popcorn as he watched the commercials. Bakura glances around discovering the theatre. " You sure this isn't scary for you?" Bakura asked Marik, him nodded.

Lights started to dim low, the room grew cold, giving chills. Marik looked around then a white screen came up.

The movie was starting...

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