Chapter 30

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(Sarah's POV)

Okay, stay calm. Louise doesn't know that I know she and Jerome had an affair. Just don't look at her...

"Oh hey, you're Sarah, Jerome's girlfriend?" She came up to me.

"Wife." I corrected her.

"Oh... Right. Cute baby you got there. I have one on the way." Louise patted her stomach.

She's pregnant?! How... Why... What... Jerome... He... No... He couldn't have.

Did Jerome get Louise pregnant?!

"Oh congratulations" I say nonchalantly.

"Thank you. I hope it's a boy. I want to name him after my boyfriend." She smiled.

She's gonna name her baby Jerome?! What the hell?! Louise is a complete psychopath.

"Anyway, why are you here?" She perked up.

"My husband got stabbed." I shrugged.

Louise chucked. When she realized I was serious she stopped. She began asking questions about it. I lied of course. Told her that we were cooking and Jerome dropped the knife and it stabbed him by accident. Louise, being the dumb ass she already is, believed it.

I got up and walked up to the desk. Jerome was sleeping but I could go visit. I walked down the halls with Sophia in my arms and walked to his room. When I got there...

Jerome wasn't there....

Dancing in the Rain (sequel to Singing in Sunshine) JeromeASF and BajanCanadian Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now