Chapter 11

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(Mitch's POV)

I wake up with a bright light shining in my face. Where am I? My head pounds and I don't even bother attempting to keep it up.

"What the-" I tried to get up but my hands are tied to a chair.

Seriously, where am I? What happened?

(Jasmine's POV)

"Sh Isabella... It's ok..." God, where is Mitch when you need him?

It's been a few hours. Maybe Jerome and him are playing Minecraft. Just in case, I'll call Jerome.

"Hello...?" Jerome says groggily

"Jerome! Where is Mitch? Is he still at your house?!" I say into the phone just a tad worried.

"Mitch? Mitch didn't come over to my house...." He said confused.

"What...? M-maybe he went to the store or something..." I hung up.

Where could he be? He would tell me where he would be going. This isn't like him...

(Mitch's POV)

"Help!" I scream.

It's no use... No ones here... I'm stuck here... Wait, is my phone still in my pocket? If I could just reach it I could call Jasmine... Or even better the police.

I try to rip the rope with my hands by thrusting them all over.

"Arghhhh" I screamed in agony as I fell to the floor.

"So young... So utterly stupid." A voice says.

"Who... Who are you?" I cry.

"Someone who you crushed..." It was a female voice.

"But it's not just her you crushed." Another female voice said.

"What... It can't be..." I gasped.

Dancing in the Rain (sequel to Singing in Sunshine) JeromeASF and BajanCanadian Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now