Chapter 28

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(Jerome's POV)

Sarah runs inside and I'm sitting in the car. All of a sudden it starts raining. I run inside, leaving Sophia in the car asleep. It wasn't smart, but I needed to see if my baby girl was okay.

When I get inside I'm soaked head to toe. Sarah is just standing there. I see Sam crying softly in the corner.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Sarah backed up towards me. "We need to take Sam and leave now."

I didn't question it and I listened. I picked Sam up and she buried her face into my shoulder. Then all of a sudden I hear a voice.

"Well guys, it's both of you here at once." A dark figure stood in the doorway.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"It's Ashely." She stepped out into the light. "God you guys are so easy to scare."

"God, Ashely!" I smiled.

"Jerome, you know I care about you, so please go and wait in the car." Sarah put her hand on my shoulder.

"No that's quite alright. Ashely and I have some things to catch up on." I reassured her.

She looked at me with dreadful eyes, sighed, and took her hand off of my shoulder. Sarah then ran over to comfort Sam.

"You should've listened to her." I hear a voice say

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my side. I collapse to the ground. The last thing I see is Sarah screaming and running over to me until I close my eyes and black out.

Dancing in the Rain (sequel to Singing in Sunshine) JeromeASF and BajanCanadian Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora