In walked-

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"Do you think they're looking for us?" I heard Kims soft voice ask. I looked up from the ground and looked at her small body.

"Yeah, of course. And when they find us, Gabe and Jace are going to kill James." I stated. She only nodded and looked back to the ground.

"Are you guys hungry?" Sarah walked in, looking happy but when she saw my glare, she looked to the floor.

"Of course! We've been done here for how long? 10 hours and all we have gotten is that water!" I yelled as i kicking the bottle of water that Sarah had left on the floor.

She nodded and walked out but returning five minutes later with two trays, one in each hand. She put a tray in Kims cell and unlocked my cell. She put the tray on the floor before walking over to me. I let out a threatening growl.

"Chill, i'm only going to adjust your chains." She said. I stopped growling but glared at her. She did something with my left chain and then i felt my hand fall but the handcuff thing was still around it. Then she did something to my right one and it did the same thing.

She smiled at me before walking out of the cell and locking it. Once she was out of sight, i sighed and fell to the floor, my feet sore from standing that whole time. I stretched my arms and then stared at the food that looked appaticing.

It was chicken pasta. She must have made it because she knows i love pasta. I picked up the fork hesitantly and brought a peice of pasta up to my nose. I sniffed it and it smelt alright so i took a bite and it tasted so good! I eagerly took another spoonfull.

"Kim, you eating?" I asked as i took another spoonfull. I needed to check that she was getting her energy and she was not starving.

"Uhm yeah. What did you get? It smells good." She said.

"Chicken pasta, what about you?" I asked as i searched for the water bottle i had kicked.

"Oh, uhm i got a peice of brown bread and a bit of baked beans." She  whispered. I stopped searching and ran to the cell bars. The chains just stopped there so i was able to see Kim. She was right, on her tray was a peice of brown bread and a tiny bowl filled with baked beans. Not even a spoon to eat with.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered. I felt terrible! I had eaten some delicous pasta and that's all she got?! I looked over at my have eaten bolw of pasta and i grabbed it. I brought it to the cell bars and slipped it through a gap. "Here Kim, have this." I said in a pleading tone. She looked up and frowned.

"No, that's your. James gave me this so i must eat it." She replied.

"No," I shook my head, "Eat this, uhm i order you as Luna." I said, trying to sound demanding like Jac but failing. She chuckled and i heard as her chains dragged across the floor as she came closer to the cell bars.

My arms didn't go further so i poked my foot out of the gap and pushed the bowl with my foot. She reached out and grabbed it with her tiny hand. There was only like a one metre distance between our cells so it was a peice of cake.

So my guess was that James wanted to starve Kim. Sure he wanted to hurt me, but Kim was his main prize. He wanted to hurt her for what she did to him and in her defense, it wasn't her fault.

I watched as she eyed it and looked at me. I nodded and she ate the pasta, chewing slowly. "You want the bread?" She asked once she was finished with the pasta and handed me the bowl. I shook my head and pulled the bowl back with my foot and watched her eat the bread and baked beans.

Now it looks as though we had our own meals and we finished it. I put the bowl on the tray and found my bottle at the corner of the cell. I crawled over there and skulled the bottle. I gave a little burp and sighed.

Oh gosh. My Mate Is An AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora