The fight

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Man that was intense as training! But not too intense as to make me too tired and sore to fight Dan.

I had about 2 hours until the fight and I had already showered and changed to grey sweats, black hoodie and my black chucks.

I was lying on my bed alone in my room. Gabe was somewhere with his mate and John I'm not sure.

I was staring at the ceiling when the door opened. I thought it was Gabe or even John but it was Jace.

When he saw me, he smiled and closed the door. I was lying on my back so he jumped on the bed and hovered over me. Again his dog tag in my face.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He leaned down and gave me a peck and then got off of me and lied down next to me, pulling me closer to him.

"What's the dog tag for?" i asked before he picked it up and showed me. I grabbed it and ran my thumb over it.

"My dad gave it to me when he gave me the Alpha title. It has my name over this one," He showed me one of the 2 plate things and I saw Jace carved in it, " and this one is for your name, when we finish the mating process." I smiled and nodded. Cool! Can't wait to have my name carved on it.

I gave him his dog tag back and he tucked it under his black tee. After he grabbed my hand and kissed it before rubbing circles on my knuckles.

We were in a peaceful silence but then Jace got off the bed and grinned at me. I got up slowly and gave him a confused stare.


"Come on, I have a surprise for you!" He reached his hand out and i shrugged my shoulders before taking it and getting up.

He entwined our fingers together and we walked out of the room. We walked down the stairs and he stopped in front of the door to the garage.

"Close your eyes." He said. I nodded and closed them. I heard the door open and Jace led me inside, while holding my waist. We walked for a while until he stopped.

I felt him go behind me and put his arms around my waist. I let out a small yelp and herd him chuckle. He leaned his head and rested his chin on my shoulder before whispering,

"Open." I slowly opened my eyes and what I saw made me want to kiss Jace until he died.

There, in front of me, was Jaces Shelbey GT500 but instead of it having white strips down the middle, it had hot pink strips.

Now it was exactly how I wanted it. Jace let go of my waist and I reached down and touched the strips. Holey f***! It was real!

"You did this for me?!" I turned around to see a grinning Jace. He nodded.

"Yep, something to show that it's both of ours. You like it?" That was soooooooooo sweet of him! I nodded and jumped on him. Wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He didn't hesitate to put his hands under my thigh for support.

"Thank you." I said, as I leaned down and kissed him. It was a passionate kiss and one thing led to another. I somehow was lying on the car bonnet with Jace still standing but hovering over me.

We were really going at it. But then someone came in and ruined it. Did I say ruin? I ment interrupted it.

"Oh man! Jace, that's my sister and my car!" John said as he walked over to us. Jace gave me one last peck and got up. I followed him and stood next to him, glaring at John.

"I don't say anything when I hear you and my sister at night. Oh and sorry about the car." I chuckled and John gave a light blush but shrugged his shoulders. Jace was handling this pretty good. You know, John interrupting us. Better than the last time when Cliff interupted us.

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