The Funeral

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I woke from one of my worst sleeps ever. That sucked hard. I groaned as i sat up and did a huge stretch, trying to satisfy my aching bones. Once i was happy with the results, i made my way to the bathroom. I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth before slipping on dark blue skinny jeans, a white loose tee that had some sort of design on and my favourite black high top chucks. I threw my hair in a messy bun before walking out of the wardobe.

Great, now i have to face Jace. A part of me is saying i should forgive him because it wasn't entiely his fault while another part is telling me to ignore him and it was all his fault. I sighed in confusion and sat on the foot of the bed. This feeling sucks.

'Forgive him, he is your mate.' My wolf told me, speaking for the first time ages.

'No shit but i'm not sure if i can forgive him.' I said sadly.

'Come on! It wasn't even his fault.'

'I know.' I whispered, ending the conversation. I swear almost once a month, Jace and i get into a fight. It's very frustrating! I groaned again before standing up and making me way to the door. Have to face him sometime.

I opened it up and walked out before walking down the stairs. I walked down the two lots of stairs and into the empty kitchen. I smiled, happy that it was empty. I moved to the pantry and found a box of Coco Pops. Yum! I eagerly grabbed it before getting a bowl and milk. I poured them out and began eating once i was seated on the stool.

I let my mind wonder to Matt. I couldn't over that he was dead. It felt wrong thinking about this but i couldn't help it. He was so young! And he was put to guard someone that was much stronger than him.

My thoughts were interupted when i felt someone behind me. I turned my head and saw Jace walk in followed by Dan. I focused on my cereal, swirling it around and making chocolate milk.

"Hey babe." Jace gave me a kiss on my head but i ignored him and took a bite of my cereal. He walked over to the pantry while Dan sat on the stool next to me.

"Morning." He said, giving me a nudge. I turned to face him and gave him a warm smile.

"Hey Dan." I said back, taking the last bite of my cereal. He smiled at me before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. I got up and walked to the sink before putting my bowl in there. Jace still had his head in the pantry but i could tell that what i said got his attention because he went stiff.

I pulled the dish washing liquid out and squrted it on the dishes before scrubbing at them. I heard Jace moving around and Dan chewing but i ignored them and focused on the dishes. They have to be shiney.

"Dan, leave." I heard Jace say and i mentally groaned. Great, he want's to talk to me! I was still washing my spoons when he said this so there was no way to escape with Dan. I heard Dan get up and then his foot steps as they got lighter. Once they were completly gone, i was wiping the sink down.

"Ira, i'm sorry." I heard Jace whisper, making me freeze. "Please, just talk to me." He added and i sighed in defeat. It's way too hard to ignore him and i need his comfort right now. I turned around slowly to find him closer than expected. He was about two steps away from me.

I took a quick breath before walking closer to him. He knew what i was going to do so he opened his arms, making it easier. I hugged him around his waist and he hugged me around my arms. I buried my head in his chest, inhaling his scent. It was only like half a day and i missed him this much.

'Forgive him.' My wolf whispered, and i honestly thought i should. It may have been partly his fault but not completly. I should be mad at Anthony for leaving Matt alone!

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