*It started with bedwars*

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                                                                                            Y/N POV

TW: Neglectful parents, eating disorder, cursing, mentions of death of a sibling, suicide and bullying

"C'MON!!!!!!" I yell as I slam my desk. I watch the chat pop up: 'Y/U/N slipped in BBQ sauce' and the large words fill my screen: 'BED DESTROYED'. I hear by dads muffled yells from downstairs, "SHUT THE FUCK UP". I roll my eyes as my hands return to my keyboard and I attempt to fend off red team with my pathetic wooden sword. To no avail, I get eliminated and the game ends, with red yelling in chat: 'POGGG', 'TAKE THAT WOMAN' and 'YOU'RE PVP SKILLS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THE INNITER!!'.

 'This dude is really annoying'  I can't help but think to myself. I read the username, 'Tommyinnit...probably super fucking British' I think to myself as I find a new lobby. I glance at the clock beside by PC and see how late it is. 3:04 am. 'Shit!!' I think to myself. I quickly leave the game and close my Minecraft. I lean back in my chair taking a deep breath. 'I need to get moving my first day of high school-no, college here in the UK, is later and I'm already off to a bad start'. I got up and made my way to my bathroom.

I looked in the mirror at myself, past thoughts fogging my mind. "Omg is that Y/N? Like the daughter of the famous super model and actress? She's so much uglier in real life...her pics are probably so edited!! Look at how fat she is!" I shook my head head coming back to reality. I was grabbing my vanity, my knuckles turning red and my breath was coming in short puffs. I head my stomach growl, begging for me to put a solid substance in it. 'When was the last time I ate...no this is for the best..Mom and Dad don't care enough to keep you in check so you have to do it yourself.' I wiped the sweat that had formed on my face and looked towards the shower. 'Cold water...yeah wold water will bring you right back to reality..'  

Time skip: 15 minutes

I laid down on my bed, my wet H/C hair spread around my head. 'Mom didn't come home...again..why do I even care? she's never home' I though back to all the times where my mother should have been there for me but wasn't. Like the time some girls pushed me off the monkey bars in 4th grade, causing me to break my arm. And the times I got attacked walking down the hallway in 6th. Or the time I had a stalker in 8th. And the time a creepy old man that kept making new accounts to slide into my DMs in 10th grade. All these times someone should have someone there with them, whether it's a parent, guardian, trusted adult, or even a friend. 

But I had none of these. I mean sure I had parents, but did I really if they were never there for me? For fucks sake I can't remember the last time I had a hug. Or someone complimented me genuinely, not some thirsty instagram comment. I've been through shit most adults haven't gone through and I'm only 16! I smashed my face into my pillow, screaming. 'If they were here..everything would be ok. If they hadn't left me..' I can't help but think to myself. Before I knew it my body was shaking, tears streaming down my face. I gasped for air, trying to get a grip on reality.

My head started pounding as the minutes passed. I rolled over to look at my clock, trying to see the time through my blurry eyes. It took me a minutes but I was able to make out the numbers, 4:01. I've been crying for over 20 minutes. And it still felt like I needed to keep going. At this point I was numb. I had dug my fingernails into my palm and I hadn't even realized it till I saw the deep read marks. I took a shakey breath, my throat hoarse from the sobs I've been letting out. 'Sleep..sleep the headache off...sleep the pain off' I rolled over, flipping my pillow over so I didn't lay on the wet side. I grabbed my raccoon squishmallow:

 I grabbed my raccoon squishmallow:

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and brought it to my chest. It was one of my small ones, but it was soft and comforting. I started collecting squishmallows as a distraction from my crappy life. I now had over 800 squishmallows. I had to claim another room in our huge house because of how big some of them were. 

I felt my breathing start to slow as my eyes felt heavy. I listened to the familiar hum of my pc. My thoughts wandered to my bedwars games from earlier. I started playing Minecraft about 9 years ago when my parents started ignoring me.  (For you lazy people she was 7). I've played over 2 thousand hours of Minecraft considering I had nothing else to do. Playing Minecraft and watching various streamers became my favorite pastime (along with squishmallow hunting of course) because they were the perfect distractions. 

Playing creative mode and servers was my favorites. Playing creative you had no limit to what you can achieve, and on a popular server you were never alone. There were always fun mini games and other people to play with, no matter what time it was. 'Minecraft...Tommyinnit' I think to myself. Sure he was a prick but he was pretty good at PvP..not to mention how he speed bridged. 'Maybe I'll send him a friend request tomorrow..just so I can PvP him and kick his ass' I think to myself with a slight smirk.

I turned towards the clock again to see that it was now 4:47. 'If I have any hope of getting some sleep whatsoever I need to try now...if anything you just stop at Starbucks and get yourself a coffee...or a Frappuccino..yeah Frappuccino sounds nice' I finally let my thoughts take me away as I drifted into a light sleep.


"NOOOOO" I yelled as I watched their caskets being lowered into the ground. I felt my heart shatter, my world shatter. It was over. They were gone. The two most important people to me. The people that made me laugh when I was crying, the people that took care of my wounds, the people that were more of my parents then the real ones will ever be. They were gone. Never coming back. All I could think about in that final moment, as my tears dripped onto my black dress I was forced into...'Why didn't you take me with you?'

A/N: You did it!! You made it through the first chapter of my story! Hopefully it wan't too boring and set an ok tone for the series :). Please remember that this is my first story ever  so please don't be mean to me!  If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know on the paragraph and I will try to fix it! Make sure to eat and drink something and know you are worth it!

Till I post the next chapter check out @brisherelol cause her stories are AMAZING!!!!! She's are one of the people that inspired me to write so I feel like I owe them something :)

Words: 1251

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