*Y/N In the Bathroom*

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TW: Cursing, drinking, smoking

Tommy POV

I slowly opened my heavy eyes as I drifted back into consciousness. Once the world became clear I realized where I was. I saw Y/N laying in the bed next to me. Wait. Y/N in the bed next to me. I had my arms wrapped around her waist, us cuddled together. "AUGHHHHH" I yelled rolling back instinctively, causing me to fall on the floor. "The fuck?!" I heard a sleepy voice say. "Sorryyyyy" I said slowly getting up. 'I hadn't realized we fell asleep together' I though as I sat back down in the bed. "W-why did you scream?" She said rubbing sleep from her eyes. "You caught me off guard" I said slipping back under the covers to hide from the crisp air surrounding the room. "I'm going back to sleep" she said laying down with her back to me. I stared at the ceiling of the dark room, memories of last night coming back to me.

We had continued talking all night and I had gotten cold and it got harder to hear her the more tired she got so she suggested coming up here with her. It was just a friendly thing, nothing romantic. Totally platonic. I laid there trying to fall back asleep because of how tired I was but I just couldn't. I reached over and grabbed my phone, seeing texts from Wilbur. 


(Wilbur will be left underlined, Tommy will be right bold)

Any updates on Y/N?


I really happy she's coming with us

and that she's finally gotten enough courage to stream

but I meant since yesterday 


What do you mean kinda

I spent the night at her house

we talked

all night

slept in the same bed


I said something and she didn't seem to hate me for it so

what did you say?

Tommy im slightly scared

We were talking about soulmates

and I may or may not have said "I think you may be my soulmate"

Tommy really? did she say anything after?

but we were talking about both romantic and platonic soulmates so I dont know which one she thought I was talking about

Tommy really

you got me excited

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