*Streaming and jealousy*

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Tw: Cursing

Tommy POV

Because we had missed school we figured instead we would stream. We had talked about it on our way to the store. We figured because she didn't have a PC at my house we would do an IRL stream. She decided that she would pull a Ranboo and wear a mask and sunglasses rather than face revealing. She decided against gloves because they we're "extra" and would get annoying. When we got back to my house, I was sitting at my PC when I looked over at her taking a selfie with the mask and glasses. "You tweeting out a teaser?" I ask smiling at her. "No i'm DMing Ranboo to show him how I stole his brand" she said taking another picture. I immediately felt my smile fall. 'Why is she messaging him...' I thought disliking the thought of her messaging someone our age. Panic flooded my system 'I'm not jealous am I?!' I thought as I quickly spun away so she didn't see my disapproving face.I heard her giggle behind me. I bit my tongue. 

"I'm ready!" I say trying to drag her attention back to me. 'I want her to pay attention to me..just me' I thought as she sat next to me and took off the mask and glasses. I analyzed her facial features as I did every time I saw her, taking in every strand of hair and every feature. "Earth to innit" she said waving her hand in front of me. "Sorry.. i'm going live, alright?" I ask, receiving a nod from Y/N before pressing "Go Live". "ELLO CHAT!" I yell taking on my persona. "Today is a very special stream planned with a very special person" I say reading chat try to guess who. "No it's not Tubbo it also isn't Will" I say reading more messages. "It's...." I say building suspense. "Y/U/N!!" I say scooting my chair for her to slide into frame. Chat blows up in excitement. "Hello everyone!" She giggles and I bite the inside of my cheek hoping my face isn't red. Everyone started spamming "fem Ranboo" and I even saw a message from ranboo fly by. Before I could say anything I got a call on discord. "ELLO RANBOO" I yelled slightly upset. "Hello!" He responded. "Hello Ranboob" Y/N said. I could hear the smirk in her voice. "Stoppp I am NOT Ranboob I am Ranboo, no extra b at the end he said. "Ok Ranpoo" Y/N responds once more, no longer able to contain her laughs. "And here I was going to comment on how amazing you looked" Ranboo said. 

I felt myself get annoyed. I read chat and they were all spamming "deffo flirting". "W-what?" Y/N stuttered out. I saw her ears red which most likely meant the rest of her face was too. "Anyway" I start, unable to keep my annoyed attitude out of my voice. Having heard that chat was then filled with "JEALOUSINNIT". I rolled my eyes ignoring them. "We don't really have a definite plan for today but we wanted to do an irl stream more or less. "What if you do a left handed challenge and answer some done questions?" Ranboo asked trying to give us an idea. Chat was immediately filled with "Yes" and I look towards Y/N to see if she was ok with it. "Alright I guess" she said. "Chat give us some ideas on what to do with our left hands and start asking questions" I say leaning back in my chair. "Heres a good one 'Write your name, make a straight line and draw with your left hand'" Ranboo reads out. "Alright let me get some pencils and paper, BE RIGHT BACK" I say as I leave.


I waited until Tommy was 100% gone to say something. "Alright chat Tommy doesn't know this but I'm ambidextrous, which means I don't have a dominate hand because im equally as good with both" I say smiling. "Wait seriously? Thats super cool" Ranboo says laughing. "You guys can't tell him..I'll tell him when we're done" I say as I hear Tommy run up the stairs. He opens the door as he shouts "I'M BACK!".  "Whats chat on about?" Tommy says looking over. "Oh it's nothing let's just get started." I say, winking towards the camera even though they can't see it.

Timeskip brought to you by the memory book

"HOW ARE YOU SO FUCKING GOOD AT THIS!" Tommy shouts as I show off my cat drawing to chat. "I dunno maybe I have a secret talent or something" I say laughing. Ranboo hadn't said anything in a while because he was laughing so hard at Tommy's struggle and frustration. "I'm done with this why don't we take some buzzed quizzes or some shit" Tommy says clearly annoyed. "You guys should take uh what's it called..OH comparability quizzes and see if Y/U/N is gonna kill you or not" Ranboo says. "Alright that works..why is chat spamming 'tell him'?" Tommy asks looking towards me. I laugh before responding. "OH is this a bad time to mention that I'm ambidextrous?" I say laughing. Tommy looks at me blankly before quickly googling what that meant. "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS BITCH WHAT THE HELL!!!!" he yells. Ranboo and I are cracking up. "WERE YOU IN ON THIS TOO?!" Tommy yells at Ranboo. "Just a little" Ranboo responds in between breathes.

Tommy deadpanned towards the camera causing Ranboo and I to laugh even harder. "Let's just see how much better I, big man am than you Y/U/N" Tommy says as his fingers fly across his keyboard. "Thats not even what compatibility tests are" Ranboo says. "Yeah yeah whatever Ranpoo" Tommy says rolling his eyes. I pull out my phone and open up my search engine, waiting for Tommy to tell me where to go. "I just DMd you a site that has a good one" Ranboo says. I look at the PC screen and typed the site name into google. Tommy read out the first question and we got started.

Timeskip brought to you by drip llama

"Ok so according to this we are, 'Compatible beyond imagination. Whether it started off as friends or maybe even enemies, your chemistry is undeniable. Whether it's a lifelong friendship or a relationship full of romance you two with be happiest when with each other'" I read out without thinking. "I have to use the bathroom" Tommy suddenly says as he gets up and walks out. "Ok?" I say confused. "Chat no. Chat calm yourselves she was just reading what the website said" I heard Ranboo say. I look towards chat and feel my face heat up. Everyone was spamming Y/S/N (Your ship name). "CHAT NO CHAT NO LIKE RANBOO SAID I WAS READING THE WEBSITE STOP!" I yelled thankful for the mask and glasses so they couldn't see how red my face was.

Ranboo and I yelled at chat till Tommy came back. "I'M BACK BITCH" I yells as he enters the room with two coke cans in his hand. "Tommy tell chat that we aren't dating" I said desperately. "HAH Wot?" Tommy laughed as he went red. "No chat no we're just friends I swear on my big man good looks." Tommy said as he sat down and passed me a can of coke. I rolled out of Fram and opened it before taking a sip. "I think we may end here...?" Tommy said as he looked to me. I nodded in agreement, desperate to breath freely. "Yeah chat we've been streaming for..holy crap almost 4 hours. Thank you all for the primes and subs and donos. And uh GOODNIGHT!" Tommy yelled, giving me and Ranboo a chance to say goodbye before raiding Tubbo.

A/N: Wooo another chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far..and thank you to brisherelol for helping me decide some things even if she doesn't know what they are. Thank you for over 150 reads!! I appreciate it so much and it's way farther than I thought I would get. Remember to take care of yourselves and ily!

Words: 1355

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