*Game Night*

424 20 57

TW: v0m1t, bl00d, unintentional s3lf h@rm, parental neglect, d3@th of a loved one and cursing :)

bang bang bang bang bang

I shot up immediately, dazed and my vision cloudy as I tried to untangle myself from the comfortable bed sheets and my mass amount of blankets. I was currently living in a house with several popular YouTubers and streamers, banging couldn't be good.

bang bang bang bang bang bang

Thinking I was finally free, I swung my feet over the bed only for my vision to become spotty and the room to start spinning.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

I stabilized myself as I tried to take a step forward, not realizing my left foot still being wrapped in a blanket that was clinging onto the bed.


I hit the floor.

Face first.


"I am covering my eyes as to not expose you but there was a very loud slam into the floor that kinda sounded like a body-" Tommy opened the door, hand over his eyes as Tubbo peaked behind him holding a pan and a large wooden spoon.

"Oh dear" Tubbo mumbled looking at my face-planted form on the floor. I hadn't bothered to move.

I rolled onto my back ignoring the spot of blood on the floor, touching my bleeding nose. I wanted to go back to sleep.

Tommy and Tubbo stood over me, peering down looking concerned for a good 30 seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Fuck you" I said flipping them both off.


"Stop it dont- DONT POST MY FEET TO TWITTER" I yelled through my laughter as I lunged for ranboos phone.

He held it just out if reach of me.

"You are being a massive dick head" i said giving him the middle finger.

My nose still hurt, so did my knees. Marks hand was still wrapped, and even though he tried to play it off it it was clearly still delicate.

Tom, Tubs, Niki and Will had went to the store because Tommys camera battery had stopped working. They decided to leave us "injured folk" (their words, not mine) alone in the house.

I was slightly annoyed when they decided to leave us here. Since the second I saw him this morning, Mark had seemed off. He was even more anxious than usual and wasn't cracking as many jokes. It might have been good for him to go out. Plus them leaving us here with nothing to do? It was boring.

To pass the time we painted each others nails (which was hard considering he flinched everytime I tried to put the polish) and gave each other fake tattoos.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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