Acceptence (yay)

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Clay woke up the next morning, deathly tired from staying up so late with George out in the brisk night. I love him so much, he thought while raising from the makeshift bed by Nick's actual bed. He looked over at the alarm clock which sat on the untidy desk. It marked that it was early morning but today is Friday, Finally.

Clay scrolled through his phone for a few minutes before Nick started to stir awake, groaning. He clearly wasn't a morning person as every morning he was sluggishly get ready and would complain about every little thing that one could be bothered by. "Ugh, why do we even have school on Fridays," Nick mumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Clay hummed in response and then finished getting ready himself. He grabbed a black sweater and some light jeans and put them on in the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror before leaving. Confidence poured through him like a raging river.

For the first time (in a very long time) he felt confident by himself. Clay scanned himself up and down, smiled, then left the room. Today was going to be a good one, won't it?


Today Clay and Nick drove to school in Nick's car. They decided, like the beds, that one person would drive them to school then the other would do the same a different day. That just made things easier on them and they spent less money on gas as that could get expensive at times.

The conversations on the way to school usually consisted of topics like homework, what was for dinner, and other dumb or simple conversation starters. Though, today Clay had a different topic which was also presented with his newfound self-confidence. "So, how are things going with Karl? When is Sappynappy gonna ask his crush out?"

Nick was ever so flustered but also looked a little frustrated, "You-um, the last time you asked this, you teased me? Are you going to take me seriously, or is this all a joke?" Clay's playful expression automatically switched to a soft and friendly one almost immediately.

"I don't know. Do you want this whole thing to be a joke?" He questioned his now red-faced friend.

"Um," Nick paused in mid-thought, "I-I really, like I really really, like him Clay." his gaze now stayed focused on the road, watching the rain slowly try to turn to snow, creating slush on the windshield.

Clay nodded, thinking back to when he felt this way with George. He didn't want to sound like a hypocrite as what he would tell Nick would clearly backtrack against what he did with George. "Well, I say go for it. I mean it's Karl, he would be more honest and kinder and loving to you than anyone he knows. Like, he already shows a lot of affection to you, Nick." Clay giggled a little bit realizing what he just said was exactly the opposite of what he wanted it to sound like. Nick knew exactly what to say back to this.

"That's not what you did with George. You guys ended up together because some bully took a picture of him kissing You, for god's sake." Nick laughed, relieving some of the built-up tension. Clay nodded, agreeing with the true statement.

"Yeah, but I feel like that created a lot of trust for one another." Nick bobbed his head, trying to overcome the argument in his mind. "But your situation is much different than mine and George's."

"Yes, I guess so. I don't know, maybe I just need a little more time." Nick sighed, now turning the steering wheel to the right, turning the car into the student parking lot.

"That's fine. Sometimes that's all it takes." the car pulled to a stop, perfectly parked in between two white lines. Clay smiled a Nick with a calm and reassuring smirk, he also patted the shorter's back playfully. "Come on now, cheer up! Today is Friday and maybe someone will have a party or something." Clay wheezed out a laugh as they walked towards the school. Nick joined his loud laugher as they walked into the building.

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