I gave you my heart

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Your perspective

I woke up in a hospital bed after what the doctors said was long and complicated heart surgery. I finally got the heart transplant that I've known I needed for months. They said it's a miracle that I'm even alive. So yes, I'm thankful in every way that God gave me a second chance at life.

I was taken out of my thoughts by my nurse walking into my room. "Your boyfriend left you some clothes. You're being discharged today Y/N. Congratulations. You're a strong girl. You really pulled through." The nurse gave me a smile which I returned, before handing me a bag with my clothes and leaving. The doctor came in to check on me one last time, and I got dressed and was off on my way home.

Shawn was probably at work, which was why he didn't pick me up. I was looking forward to seeing him, but I'll see him later. I sent him a quick text before boarding the bus home.

Upon arriving home, I noticed that Shawn's car was in the drive way. Did he not go to work and forgot I was coming home today? I brushed off the thought and proceeded into the house. Total silence. Shawn wasn't here. Alright, what's going on? But again, I brushed off the thought. I walked around the house, and no one was here. His phone was though. I figured maybe he was out. Maybe he walked and forgot his phone home. Who knows..
Hours and hours passed before I came to a realization. The house looked like no one was living in it. It looked exactly how it did the day I had to go in for surgery. Shawn and I's room was a disheveled mess as it was before. That was when I spotted a piece of paper on the kitchen, and when I approached it, there was also a small black box next to it. He must have gotten me a 'get well' gift or something, which if so, was very sweet of him. I picked up the note and began reading it.
Dear Y/N,
If you're reading this, you have probably realized by now that I'm not here.. And there's a reason for that. The reason being that your health and happiness are more important to me then my own. I love you too much to let you die. Hell, I love you more then I love myself.. Which is why when I found out that you needed a transplant, and they didn't have a heart for you, I took matters upon myself. I got myself tested and I was a match. So if you're wondering, yes I did give you my heart. You've always had it, just now you have it literally.
I couldn't bare the thought of losing you to this. I couldn't let you die, so I didn't. You need my heart way more then I do. I choose to give it to you. Don't feel sad, please don't feel guilty. This is out of my love for you. You have your whole life ahead of you. Find yourself a man, have lots of babies. That's what you could do for me, to live your life in memory of me.. You just need to promise me one thing baby girl, that everything will be okay, and you'll never forget me.
I love you more then words will ever be able to describe. I love you with every part of me. You are single handedly the most beautiful, kind, and sweet woman I've ever known, and I'm glad to have had the honor and pleasure of knowing you and loving you. I can't thank you enough for making me the happiest man alive. I know in my heart, which should be yours by now, that I'm doing the right thing. Never forget how I feel about you, Y/N. I'll be watching you and smiling. When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars.
Love always,
Shawn Peter Raul Mendes
I lost all control, I was bawling my eyes out at this point.
I looked over at the tiny black box and opened it. It was an infinity ring and and necklace with a heart locket and a key, with a note attached.
"Take a piece of my heart, and make it all your own. So when we are apart, you'll never be alone.
P.S, you have all of it because that's just how much I love you, and how much you mean to me."
That night, I lay in the green grass under the stars and saw Shawn laying with me. Only he wasn't really there.

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