Our little girl.

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Positive. Positive. Positive.
That's what all three tests said. I'm going to be a teen mother. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind as I contemplated what to do.
I can't tell Shawn. His album just came out today and he's going on tour, and his career is just getting started. Plus he's only 16. How can I just ruin it and put basically the whole world on his shoulders?
But he deserves to know. This is his child just as much as it is mine. I would regret not telling him forever. I can't just up and leave and one day come back and drop the "my daughter or son is yours" bomb.
I know what the right thing to do is here, and I'm going to do it.
I threw away all the pregnancy tests except for one. I picked up my phone and dialed his phone number really quick. My heart stopped once he answered the phone.
Shawn: Hey beautiful
Me: Hey Shawn.
Shawn: what's up babe?
Me: Just calling like that to see if you wanna get together. I'm free right now if you are.
Shawn: Sure. I'll shower and then meet you at Applebee's in an hour?
Me: I'm feeling Chili's today
Shawn: (laughs) alright then babe, we'll get some enchiladaaaaaaas.
Me: (laughs) Bye Shawnnnnn.
Shawn: Bye princess. See you soon.
I hung up and immediately threw on a pair of jeans and rolled them up a little, black lace Toms, and a plain black crop top. I took my hair out of its braid and let the crimped curls fall. I decided to keep my face bare except for filling in my eyebrows and mascara.
I grabbed my Michael Kors tote and threw the pregnancy test in there, my phone, tissues, hand sanitizer, lip gloss, all the necessaries.
After a dinner of many Enchiladas at Chili's, we decided to head back to my place. We walked since my house wasn't too far.
Shawn and I were hand in hand, totally silent. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence. I finally spoke up by saying, "Shawn what do you think of kids?" He looked at me for a second and looked back down at our hands. "I don't know. I mean I think I'm good with them. I want a few when we're older and married someday." Shawn looked back up at me and gave me a smile which was contagious, so I returned it. I reached in my bag and pulled out the pregnancy test. His facial expression dropped and his eyes turned cold and dark. "Well I think that you're gonna have to start getting used to kids, because I'm positive I'm pregnant Shawn." I held back my tears and swallowed the lump in my throat. "W-what?" Shawn stared at me emotionless, with wide eyes, and snatched his hand out of mine. "Shawn, you and I are going to be parents and look-" He cut me off by throwing his hands up and then tugging on his hair. "I know it's not going to be easy, and I know we're young but listen Shawn, we can make this work. We'll be okay, I-" Shawn cut me off again, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS GONNA BE OKAY Y/N? We're 16, we can't be parents! How the fuck did this happen?" I looked down and shrugged my shoulders. "Listen Y/N, I can't have this right now. I'm 16, I can't be a- IM NOT READY TO BE A DAD! My career is just getting started, our parents are gonna kill us." Shawn was now in tears, tears of anger and sadness. Shawn continued to speak, but he was barely audible being that his voice was thin and shaky from crying. "Our lives have barely started, Y/N what are we gonna do? How the hell did we let this happen??" Shawn crashed into me and wrapped his arms around me extremely tight. "I can't do this right now baby girl. I need some time. Don't try calling me, just leave me be." He spoke into my neck, and gave me one last kiss before walking away from me. I screamed for him though. "Shawn you can't leave me alone! This is both of us! It's your baby too! Please don't do this to me Shawn! I can't handle being alone for this!" I collapsed onto my knees and sobbed, and he looked at me one last time before I couldn't see him anymore.
I can't do this by myself. I'm going after him.
I went home and freshened up before getting into my black 2014 Mustang. I put the pedal to the floor, making all the power that my car has useful. I parked in his driveway before stomping up to his porch and going right into his house. He and his family knew me well enough where I could just come in.
I rushed up the stairs and stood in the doorway of his room and saw him laying in his bed staring at the ceiling. His eyes were red and puffy and his face was stained with tears, and he was still gasping from crying. "I'm sorry I walked away from you like that." Shawn said without looking at me. I completely ignored his statement before speaking again, "Can you honestly tell me that you're not gonna stay with me through this? What happened to loving me no matter what? What happened to being together no matter the circumstances?
And can you honestly tell me you're ready to walk away from your son or daughter? Your own innocent baby and your own flesh and blood?" I too started crying with Shawn, and continued my rant. "Whether you want to accept it or not, this is both of our baby growing inside me. I can't do it without you, Shawn. I need you by my side. I can't face our families without you, I can't raise a baby without you. I know we're 16 and I know that no matter what, we could make it work because we always do! We belong together Shawn, and accident or not, this baby is a symbol of our love, and I will love our baby no matter what. So please baby, stay with me. This will be our own little family now. Just me and you and the baby. No matter what." I tried catching my breathe and I couldn't help but just gasp and sob. Shawn finally laid his eyes on me, came to me and wrapped his strong arms around me. "Just me, you, and the baby. Forever and always baby. I'm so sorry I acted the way I did." He cupped my face in his hands and planted a few pecks on my lips. He kept his hands there but wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs and stared deep into my eyes. "I love you, Y/N." He said and got on his knees and hugged and kissed my flat tummy, "And I love you too." He smiled and came back up and hugged me tight.

Nine months later..
I woke up in the middle night with sharp pains in my lower stomach. I held my stomach in my hands and cringed at how bad the pains were, and suddenly I felt liquid leaking down my leg. I quickly climbed back on the bed and shook Shawn until he woke up, he'd been sleeping at my house for the past few weeks just in case this happened, and thank god he did. "Shawn my water broke, Shawn the baby's coming." He immediately shot up and got dressed, and got our hospital bag and whatever was necessary ready, while I changed my clothes.
A few hours later it was finally time for our baby to be born. We didn't know the gender because we wanted to be surprised. I've never seen Shawn so shaken up in my whole life. He was a mixture of many different emotions, but mostly happy and nervous.
"Okay three..two..one.. PUSH!" The doctor said. I did as I was told and Shawn was motivating me and holding my hand the whole time. "Come on baby girl, you could do this. Come on baby girl, do it for me."
After what was about a half hour, I heard a loud cry. "It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed and held her up, before giving her to me. I cuddled her close and was crying tears of joy before the nurse took her to get cleaned up. While they did that they took care of me, and in a half hour they brought my baby girl back to me. Shawn laid in the bed with me as I held her close and planted a kiss on her forehead. "My god she's so beautiful, I can't believe she's ours." Shawn said with tears of joy and a huge grin. I handed her over to him and he hold her so close to his chest, and gave her 1,000 gentle kisses. "Hey beautiful, it's daddy, I'm your daddy. I love you so much." The sight of it made me the happiest person in the world.
A little latter at night, I got a Twitter notification which was from Shawn.
"@ShawnMendes: Blair Marie Mendes, 19 inches long, 7lbs 8oz. My entire world in a picture. Love my girls to death. @y/t/n."
Attached was our first family photo which the doctor took of us❤️❤️

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