This Life- Part Two

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Quickly deciding that I should leave Shawn alone to think, I quickly stepped out of the muscle car and slammed the door before getting into the drivers side. Shawn and I's Dodge Challenger was an SRT, so I did not hesitate to floor it. The car ride was quiet except for the engine revving and whining. Soon enough, I arrived to Gemma's house, and was greeted by the one and only Jax Teller, who was outside getting off of his motorcycle. (The picture above is Jax) Jax is Gemma's son, and is also a member of the club. He's been my best friend since we're little kids. Shawn, Jax, and I's parents have been friends a long time. "Hey darlin," Jax said in the same throaty and yes, sexy voice that he's always had, before snaking his arm around my neck and kissing my forehead. "Hey Jax," I held onto his hand that was slumped over my shoulder and looked down, taking a deep breathe. He immediately noticed that there was something wrong, and of course began asking. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Tears immediately began to brew in my eyes and I tried speaking without a shaky voice, "Can we talk, Jax? I don't know what to do right now." I feel my body begin to tremble and Jax immediately wrapped an arm around me, and helped me walk to the swing on the porch and sit. He soon sat next to me and looked me in the face, waiting for me to speak. "You can talk to me about whatever, what's up?" I could literally see the concern in his face. "I'm pregnant, Jax!" I yelled without meaning to. A huge smile grew on his face and he began to ramble, "That's great! Does Shawn know yet? Why are you upset and crying about a baby?" At this point I began to sob uncontrollably and managed to make out, "That's the thing, I told Shawn and he flipped the fuck out," I threw my hands up on the word fuck, and continued to speak. "I told him on the way here and he hit the breaks really hard and was in disbelief and made me repeat it, and then he walked out of the car and walked home. He told me to tell everyone he was sick." Jax's face immediately turned angry. His nostrils began to flare and his jaw was shut tight. "He knocks you up, and then acts like this. The fuck kind of shit is that?" He yelled and calmed down once he saw the fright in my face. He took a few deep breathes and began to speak again. "Alright listen, when Tara told me she was pregnant my reaction wasn't the greatest either. Yes it's a huge surprise and its a lot to take in, but he shouldn't of acted the way he did. Give him some time, darlin'. I know my best friend, and I promise you he will come around." I nodded and forced a smile, "Just promise me that you won't say anything to anyone." Jax gave me a real smile and kissed my forehead once again before leading me inside. "Of course I won't say anything."
While we were all having coffee and cake and having a great time, the doorbell rang. Jax got up to answer it before yelling out, "Y/N, Shawn is here for you." My eyes shot open and I quickly wiped my face off and ran to the door. As Jax walked past me, he gave me a pat on the shoulder and a reassuring nod. "Shawn? Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, and I could literally hear how scared I was in my own voice. He looked up at me and his eyes were red and puffy, his face stained with tears. "Can we talk, please?" I stepped outside onto the porch and closed the door behind me. "I'm so sorry for the way I acted before. I-" I interrupted him mid sentence. "You're sorry? Shawn, you scared the living shit out of me. God knows what I thought you would do. How could you just speed off like that?" I asked, tears threatening to spill. "I'm apologizing, aren't I?" Shawn asked practically screaming, and it caused me to flinch. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you like this." He finally calmed down. "Baby girl, I'm so sorry. It was just a lot to take in all at once. I'm so sorry I acted the way I did. I'm happy about this baby. I walked all the way home and sat in bed staring at the ceiling, crying the whole time. Then I really sat to think about it, and I really couldn't find a reason to be upset. My beautiful wife and I are starting a family. So please forgive me, and let's live this life happily." Shawn looked at me with hopeful eyes and I nodded. "If it's a boy, he's gonna be riding motorcycles like his dad. If it's a girl, I'm gonna spoil the god damn shit out of my little princess. How you thought of names yet?" Shawn wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked back into the house, and I laughed and responded, "Isn't it a little too soon?"

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