He Doesn't Say It Back

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Today was just like any other normal day during the summer. I was hanging out with Shawn, my best friend. To me, Shawn is more then just a best friend. I've had a huge crush on him since we met back in the first grade. At first it was just a stupid little school girl crush where you thought he liked you because he let you keep the pencil  you borrowed from him, and because his friends would bother you when it came to him. But as we grew older, my feelings for Shawn became more real and way more intensified. I've always wanted to tell him about how I feel for him, but I could never gather up the courage.

Shawn and I were chillin' in my living room, blasting 'Kings and Queens' by SoMo on the surround sound speakers. 'Throw it up, throw it up, everybody's in love and we're tearing down this place', I chanted while jumping around and singing in my imaginary microphone. Shawn and I couldn't control our laughter and continued doing what we were. 'Taking shots all night til' the moonlight hides, and the sun starts to show it's face!" Shawn said and jumped around in circles, bopping his head. "Throw it up, throw it up, throw it up up up! Feel the bump coming out that bass! Girls and boys, make some noise til' they kick us out," We sang together and hug when we sang the next line together as well, "We're the kings and queens today!" Shawn held onto me and we plopped down on the couch together, still in each others arms. It's the little moments like this that confused me, because sometimes Shawn would talk about other girls to me and then the next minute we were doing this. I just don't get him. 

"I love you." I blurted out plain as day, which caused him to smile. I took that as a good sign. "I love you too, Y/N." Shawn said back to me. I figured since I came this far, I should just tell him the truth. "No, Shawn. I love you. I'm in love with you. I always have been, and it's taken me this long to tell you." I told him, my arms still around him. Shawn's face went blank, and he took my arms off of him, "Oh." I looked down and shook my head. "I knew I shouldn't of told you." I whispered to myself, but I'm pretty sure he heard it even though he wasn't supposed to hear that. "I should go. Uh, I'll see you sometime, Y/N." Shawn quickly ran off and slammed the door behind him. That's the last I heard from Shawn for the entire week.

Anyway, a week later on a Saturday morning when I was still in bed, the door bell rang. I quickly got up and fixed my bun and answered the door. Shawn stood there with a bouquet of flowers. "Hi, Y/N. I really want to apologize for how I acted last week. I just didn't know how to react, but I realize now that I was acting stupid. Truth is, I love you too Y/N, and would be happy if you let me take you out to breakfast and out for the day." I smiled at him, and nodded. "Just wait in the living room while I get ready. Are those for me?" I pointed at the roses. "No, they're for the wall, Y/N." Shawn replied with a straight face, and I laughed and took them from him. That's the sarcastic Shawn that I fell in love with. "Thank you." I grinned and took the roses from him and put them in the vase.

The rest of the day was amazing. We went to iHOP for breakfast, and then he took me to the rides on the boardwalk at the beach. That was the start to an amazing relationship that lasted forever.



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