Dark Paradise/Are You Really There?- (Part One: Shawn Mendes Imagine)

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A/N: A lot of these imagines are going to have to do with songs. Most of the time, the title of the imagine will be the title of the song. For this one, it's Dark Paradise by the amazing, and beautiful Lana Del Rey. This has to do with a mental illness. I do not mean to offend, or degrade anyone in any way, I understand it can be a tough subject. Enjoy the imagine. Love you all, be sure to follow my Instagram @_mendesxdallas_. I also don't mean to put down, or influence thoughts on anyone mentioned in this imagine. This is all just made up, and if any of it is true, it happens to be a coincidence. The whole Lauren thing I'm about to mention, is not totally accurate. This is just an imagine. Thank you guys. Hope you like it ! :)

Shawn's POV:

I was at my happy place. My favorite place in the world to be alone, Niagara Falls. It was late at night, on a week day, so no one was here. I enjoyed being alone, to listen to the calming sound of the waves crashing, at the bottom of the waterfall. The flashing lights underneath the water, giving the waterfall a fluorescent, colorful effect. I took a seat, and would just drown in my own thoughts. I looked down at my feet, playing with my thumbs, and just thinking about life. I had no hope anymore. I was done getting my heart broken. I looked back up at the waterfall, and licked my dry lips, which the wind had dried out. To be honest, I felt so alone these days. My parents being divorced, and they still constantly argue. School wasn't any better for me, to be honest. I wasn't bullied, but I didn't have anyone either. I have had my heart broken by the same girl numerous times, Lauren. She couldn't make her mind up about what she wanted relationship wise, so I finally gathered up the courage to break it off. I lost all the friends I had, because of this one girl. I placed my elbows on my knees, and held my face in my hands, and ran my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. As much as I hated life, I refused to end it, because problems are only temporary. One day, God will see I've suffered enough, and I'll be okay. I live off of knowing that. But for now, I'll keep lying and saying I'm okay. It's the only thing I could and will do, besides writing music, and playing my guitar.

Suddenly, I heard quiet sobs, and gasps from behind me. I turned around to see a girl about my age, walking around with a blanket around her, and carrying a bag. Her pretty face was stained with tears, and she kept trying to catch her breath, which was difficult through her sobs. I stood up from the bench I was sitting on, and she looked up at me, as I walked towards her. Once I reached her, I extended my hand out, and spoke,“Hi, I'm Shawn. Are you okay? I was over there and noticed that-” She cut me off, “Just go away, okay? I don't talk to spirits, I already got kicked out of my house by a spirit named Mom. This is just my head messing with me. Just leave me alone, don't talk to me, and go back to wherever the hell you came from.” She barked. I widened my eyes, astonished with what she just said, and also confused. “Um, I'm real. I'm standing right in front of you-” I paused mid sentence, and looked down at my feet, and then back up, trying to find words, “Reach out and touch me. You can feel me, and I can feel you.” I reached out, and put my hand on her shoulder, which she quickly smacked off, and I felt hurt. I did nothing but try to be nice. “See? You felt that, I'm really here..Let's start over. My name is Shawn... Shawn Mendes.. Are you okay?” I tried being gentle with my words, because I knew there was something wrong here. Suddenly, she looked back up at me, and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is. She had crystal clear grey eyes, that could pierce right through you, long, black eyelashes, cheek bones that stood high, creating prominent contours on her cheeks, her skin the perfect tan shade, her hair the darkest shade of brown, and her lips, oh my god. She was perfect, I felt as if I was looking at an angel. I swear, I fell in love with her, right at that moment. The more she pushed me away, the more I wanted to know her, despite whatever was wrong with her, she's perfect. “I'm Dréa Malone.” She whispered, as if she didn't want me to hear her. (A/N: It's pronounced Dr-ey-uh Muhlone.) “So you mentioned that your mom kicked you out?” I asked her, sympathizing with her. “Yea. She said she can't have a crazy person in her house.” She began to tear up, as she spoke. I began to tear up with her, as she told me that. How does a mother kick her daughter out, who has a mental illness? “How old are you?” I asked her. “16, I have no where to go.” By this time, she was bawling her eyes out. I grabbed her, pulling her close, and holding her tight. “Hey, hey, hey-” I whispered in a soothing voice, before continuing, “You're more than welcome to stay with me, I'm not about to leave you out here alone.” I gave her a weak smile, trying to lighten up the mood. Dréa looked up at me, her face lighting up. I'm glad I could make her happy. “Really? You'd do that for me?” She hugged me tight.

Dréa's POV:

Maybe he was real! I felt him as I hugged him! “I'd consider myself heartless, and stupid if I didn't. You'll be okay, Dréa. I promise you, I won't let anything bad happen to you.” Shawn held me close, and he stroked the back of my head, playing with my hair. I got lost in my thoughts, as we stood there hugging. He was a very special spirit, one that you could really feel. “Come on, Dréa. Let's get home.” Shawn smiled, and picked up my bag off the floor, and slung it over his shoulder. He offered me his arm, and I smirked, and wrapped my arm around his. “This is cool. I've never had a spirit talk to me, that I could feel, and touch. But you know, I can decide to shut you out, whenever I like.” I said, looking up at him, as we walked, stopping at a bus stop. Shawn looked at me, with a confused look, but then shrugged it off. “You know I'm real, you can't shut me out. Besides, why would you wanna shut me out? You know I'm only doing my best to help.” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “I don't want this going too far. I mean for gods sakes, I'm just imagining you right now. This can't go on for long.” I muttered, looking down at the floor. After ten minutes, the bus arrived, and after a good fifteen minutes, we finally got off the bus, and walked until we reached a huge house.

Shawn's POV:

I unlocked the door, to see my mom leaning on the counter, tapping her foot. Once she looked up at me, standing at the door, with a stranger of a girl, her cheeks flushed a bright red. “SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES, you have a lot of explaining to do!” Mother shouted. I put my hands up in front of me, and just said, “I can explain, Mom. Can I please talk to you alone?” I asked her, feeling my face heat up. Her eyes widened, and she led me to the living room. “She's not pregnant, is she? Shawn IT BETTER NOT BE YOURS!” My mother shouted. “The exact opposite. I was at Niagara Falls, and yes mom I've been sneaking out every night to go there, I go there to be alone. I heard crying, and I turned around, and she was holding a bag full of clothes, and she was wrapped in just a blanket on top of her clothes, and I felt bad, it's freezing out, and I honestly thought she was homeless. Upon talking to her, I knew there was something wrong. I don't know if she's schizophrenic, or if she's taking drugs, and hallucinating, honestly mom, I don't know. But she thinks that she's imagining me, and that I'm not real.” I rambled on, and on. “Sounds like she's got a really bad case of schizophrenia. She doesn't look like she's taking drugs. But that doesn't explain why you brought her here.” She said. “Her mother kicked her out, because she claimed she can't have a crazy person in her house. Please mom, I couldn't leave her out there alone.” I begged her, tears forming in my eyes. “Shawn, like I said. She's schizophrenic, how do you know she's not just making it up? She's mentally ill Shawn. She needs medical care. I bet you her mom couldn't afford it, and that's why she left. She probably isn't taking medication to control it. But anyway, I guess you did the right thing. She can stay temporarily, but I am ordering you to take her to see a doctor, so they can help her. If she doesn't get help it will only worsen, and I won't let that happen to the poor girl. Give her the spare bedroom, help her unpack, and do some research, and find a psychiatrist around here. Okay Shawn? Goodnight, I love you.” My mother said, and I smiled at her, hugging her and kissing her cheek. I did as she said, and the next morning, I woke up to see that Dréa was still asleep. I got ready, and waited for her on the couch.

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