You're Gonna Be a Dad

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I know I've written many like this before, but today I was thinking about this concept and was really feeling it. So here it is and I hope you enjoy this.
As I stared down at the digital screen which read positive, my mind went into a trance. My mind began to race and I became overwhelmed with thoughts such as how Shawn would react, how this would ruin his career, how he would lose all his fans, and how this would tie him down. But there were two thoughts that I really couldn't shake off. What would our parents think, and what if he left me ? These thoughts immediately began to flood my brain and I felt like I was drowning, I couldn't breathe easy and my head began to spin. Shawn has had so many opportunities and his career is finally starting to take off. How could I ruin this for him, honestly? He would probably just end up leaving me. It's not fair to him. MY birth control failed. I'm the one that told him we DIDN'T need a condom because I'm on birth control. I didn't mean for this to happen, neither of us did. I mean come on. What's the chance of birth control failing, two percent? And of course, I'm part of the two percent. I can't do this to him. These thoughts flooded my mind, and it got to the point where I couldn't even try to think of anything else. All I could do was pace around and begin to cry. Then it escalated to throwing things. And then to punching walls. And then to uncontrollable sobs and yelling. And then it led to Shawn rushing into my room, and me totally forgetting that he said he would be at my house around this time. I don't know how much of it he saw, but he was left speechless. He literally couldn't say a word. Shawn stood there with his mouth open, but the words simply couldn't escape his lips. Funny, because he didn't even receive the news yet. I could only imagine how he'll react because this tantrum was nothing. It was enough to leave him speechless, though. The second I looked him in the face, I felt something inside me telling me to calm down. So I did. I immediately ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug. I couldn't stop myself, I started sobbing into his chest. Shawn responded immediately and entangled one of his hands in my hair, and then the other up and down my back. It sent shivers down my spine and for a minute, I felt okay. "Shh.. It's okay baby girl. I'm here, tell me what's wrong." When he said that, it all came back to me. I broke right down, and the second tantrum didn't stop until Shawn hugged me,and walked me over to the bed, still embracing me. "I should stop. Th-this isn't good for the baby." I slipped out and it instantly hit me. I just mentioned the baby right in front of Shawn. It was that moment that I knew I screwed up really bad. Shawn's face went blank and he looked shocked before asking, "what baby, Y/N? What are you talking about?" I shook my head no and the tears continued to spill. "Y/N, what are you talking about?" Shawn asked, his voice more stern this time. "Y-you're gonna be a d-dad, Shawn." I managed to let out through my choppy breathing and gasping from crying. He immediately began to look worried. "W-what do you mean I'm gonna be a dad? I-I'm sixteen... I can't be a father....You said you were on b-birth control. H-how did this happen? What will our parents say? What am I gonna do?" Shawn made out through sobs and was breathing heavily himself. "What are YOU gonna do? Shawn in case you forgot, I'm the one who's pregnant, I'M the one who's gonna get shit for it from my family, friends, teachers, people at school. You're famous! Your fans will support you no matter what. Your friends will all high five you for "getting it in". Your parents will be disappointed, but they'll eventually get over it. Unfortunately for me, that's not the case. I'm going to lose all my friends, I'll probably get tormented at school like that one girl did, and my family always said if anything like this ever happens, they will kick me out. Put yourself in my shoes, Shawn. I have nothing and nobody." At this point I was sobbing again, "I'm going to have to balance school, homework, a job, and a baby all on my own. I can't do this without you, Shawn." The entire time I was speaking, Shawn just stared at the floor. After what felt like forever, he finally looked at me and the last words he spoke to me were, "I don't know, Y/N. I have to think." And of course, Shawn sent out a tweet that was low key about me.
(Check the media/picture above)
A week later:
I'm sitting on my friends couch with Shawn's hoodie and sweatpants on, watching Dear John. To make things worse then this depressing movie and the fact that my parents kicked me out of the house when I told them I'm pregnant, I was muffins, Shawn's favorite. I was interrupted from watching the movie when I heard the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, I saw the person that was a mix of who I wanted to see the least and the most. Shawn fucking Mendes. He gave me a weak smile when he noticed I was wearing his hoodie, before asking, "Can we talk? Your friend Alyssa told me you were staying with her, so here I am." I nodded and stepped aside to let him in, shutting the door behind me. I crossed my arms looked him in the face, waiting for him to say something. I was trying my best to hide my bitch face. "Do you mind if I-" Shawn asked and pointed at my stomach, but I interrupted him by shaking my head no. Of course I didn't mind. Shawn pulled the hoodie up just enough to reveal my stomach. I was around three months pregnant, so the bump was prominent but obviously not big enough to tell unless you lift my shirt up. Shawn's eyes widened as he stared at what represented his unborn child, the baby bump. "Wow, I don't know what to say." He spoke, and he gently placed both of his hands on my stomach. His thumbs gently caressed it. Was this a good sign or no? "Baby you know I love you," Shawn started, and I knew it was going to be bad as soon as the words left his lips. "But I can't do this right now. I have an entire tour scheduled with Taylor Swift. I can't just cancel. Do you know how upset my fans would get? Plus that's money I could use to help support you guys. I would just have to do it low key. If my fans found out I have a kid, it would be torture for us both. As much as I love my fans, the shit some of them say can be so hurtful, and I don't want any of this landing on you." As much as I know that he's trying to protect me, he's also being selfish at the same time. "So you mean to tell me how your fans feel is more important then your girlfriend and your SON OR DAUGHTER? You don't wanna upset them? You're kidding me right? You just don't want to deal with the fact that this is your baby just as much as it is mine, Shawn! Don't use the money you'll get from the tour as an excuse. You mean to tell me that all the money from Magcon, the EP, the album, your tour with Austin, your headlining tour, and meet and greets isn't enough to support us and stay with your pregnant girlfriend? I need you here with me, Shawn. I can't do this alone. For fucks sake, my parents kicked me out of the house the second I told them I'm pregnant. Please don't do this to me. Where am I going to raise this baby, in the street?" Once I began to talk about my parents, the tears began to spill again. Shawn's face softened instantly. At this point, he was crying too. He immediately kneeled down and placed his hands back on my belly and placed what felt like a thousand soft kisses on it. "I'm so sorry I ever considered leaving you and your mommy. I love you so much, I've loved you before you were even an idea. You just came early and I didn't know what to do, baby girl... Or boy, I just have a feeling you're a girl." Shawn then stood up and cupped both my cheeks in his large hands and placed a few gentle kisses on my lips as well. He began to speak, his hands still on my cheeks. "I've got your back always baby girl. Forget the tour, forget the fans, forget everyone and everything. I'm canceling it all when I get home... Whoever gets mad can stay mad. You're more important. I'm going to be with you every step of the way baby girl...All that matters right now is right here and right now. Me, you, and our baby." A smile began to grow on his tear stained face, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Come on, go get your stuff. You're moving in with me baby." He spoke.

Part two or nah ?? I actually love this so much..asdfghjkl

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