Chapter 12: Detective

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Tsukauchi sighed as he looked over the file.

Izuku Midoriya.

The boy has caused him a lot of trouble. He went missing, popped up years later, and then went missing again.

There's the chance that he ran away, got caught, and disappeared again; but from what Izuku's mother told him, he would never do that.

So it was most likely a kidnapping.

Tsukauchi sighed once again. He does that a lot when he thinks about this file. It's such a strange case.

They thought they had a lead once, but they're not even sure if the boy they found was actually the boy. It could've just been a lookalike.

Why would someone even want to kidnap Izuku Midoriya? Not to be rude, but he was quirkl-

Tsukauchi stood up. That gave him an idea. He quickly walked out of his office and went to the main computer to search the archives.

He looked for any missing persons that were quirkless.

Tsukauchi's eyes widened at the list. Why hasn't he been told about this pattern?

About 200 quirkless people have gone missing in the past 6 years, all around the same district. That couldn't be a coincidence.

He looked deeper to see if any of the cases were closed, and just found one.

Sumi Okashi

Found nude in alley way.

Autopsy shows dna alteration. Before she was missing, she was quirkless. But once she was found, she showed signs of having a quirk.

Cause of death: Unknown.
Theory: Using advanced technology, she was given a quirk. But it overwhelmed her body, killing her.

Kidnapper/Murderer: Unknown.
Theory: Finger prints were not found on the body, but Okashi was covered in a liquid only hospitals have access to. The person(s) that caused this had to had access to these resources.

We questioned the workers of the surrounding hospitals where the victim was found, but no one knew anything.

Tsukauchi was disappointed in his findings. Another dead end. He thought to himself.

He looked over the file one more time, noticing something else. It listed the hospitals and the workers that were questioned.

He could use that. He didn't work on this case, so they didn't have a human lie detector with them. He could ask the people some new questions, and really see if they knew anything.

I can work with this. He decided.

He looked at the first place one the list; Jaku Hospital.


Tsukauchi drove into the parking lot of the hospital, finding a spot and parking. He got out and headed inside.

He walked up to the receptionist and talked to her, "Hello. I'm with the Japan Police Force," he showed his badge, "and I would like to ask the head doctors here some questions for an investigation we're doing."

The receptionist looked a little shocked, but complied. "Of course! If any of them are available I'll have the gather together in the meeting room on floor 5. You can head up there to meet them."

"Thank you." Tsukauchi nodded to the receptionist, then went upstairs.

It took him a few minutes, but he was able to find the room. There was one large table in the center, surrounded by chairs. The back wall was a giant window, letting in light from the bright spring day.

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