Angel XLIX

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Where the fuck is she?

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Where the fuck is she?

I've been walking around the island and fucking resort, and no sign of red bright hair.

She can't be that far away, people can only leave the island on a boat.

Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, I decide to ask one of my workers.

Angel is someone who attracts eyes to her, surely someone must have seen her.

It's impossible not to take a look at her.

"Alec." I call out, the light brown haired man turns to me, and nods once in acknowledgement, before coming closer.


"Have you see a woman with red hair, blue dress?"

"Oh, yes. She headed to the beach."

"Thank you." I nod once, and make my way there, mid way stopping briefly to greet some of my workers.

I haven't been at the resort particularly yet, but tomorrow night I'll come to make business and check if everything runs ok.

If there was any problem I would've known, so I'm assuming everything is going smoothly between the team, but I still want check.

I doubt any of the workers would try harassment against one another, or something like that, but we never know.

Reaching the end of the wooden pathway, I look around the beach, but she's nowhere in sight.

There's people around, enjoying themselves with cocktails in hand, or simply just swimming inside the crystal blue water.

Bunch of people but none with red hair.

Where the fuck is angel?

Then I curse myself for being so dumb. She wouldn't stay around people, of course.

But what if something happened to her? She can handle herself, but...

Shaking my head, knowing she's more capable than many of mine men, I  walk through the hot sand, the sun warming my naked torso as I go for her.

Honestly I don't even know why I am.

After taking some calls and properly calling my sister, I ate breakfast and decided I wanted to annoy her.

But she's nowhere around.

I can't fight off my pull towards her and these last three days have been worse.

I just... want her close. All the freaking time.

Elektra is showing the side of her that's more carefree, and it's noticeable that she's letting her guard for threats down, not always watching her back and looking over her shoulder.

I want to enjoy that, I'm curious as to what she is without that mask she puts up everyday.

Finally, I reach the spot where no one is, less her.

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